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Model selection


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​BaseCrossValidator wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.BaseCrossValidator.

type t


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


method split
val split :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) The target variable for supervised learning problems.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​GridSearchCV wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  ?scoring:[`Roc_auc_ovo_weighted | `Callable of Py.Object.t | `Precision | `Roc_auc_ovr | `Recall_micro | `F1_micro | `Precision_micro | `Fowlkes_mallows_score | `Dict of Dict.t | `F1 | `Jaccard | `Max_error | `Precision_weighted | `Precision_macro | `Scores of [`Explained_variance | `R2 | `Max_error | `Neg_median_absolute_error | `Neg_mean_absolute_error | `Neg_mean_squared_error | `Neg_mean_squared_log_error | `Neg_root_mean_squared_error | `Neg_mean_poisson_deviance | `Neg_mean_gamma_deviance | `Accuracy | `Roc_auc | `Roc_auc_ovr | `Roc_auc_ovo | `Roc_auc_ovr_weighted | `Roc_auc_ovo_weighted | `Balanced_accuracy | `Average_precision | `Neg_log_loss | `Neg_brier_score | `Adjusted_rand_score | `Homogeneity_score | `Completeness_score | `V_measure_score | `Mutual_info_score | `Adjusted_mutual_info_score | `Normalized_mutual_info_score | `Fowlkes_mallows_score | `Precision | `Precision_macro | `Precision_micro | `Precision_samples | `Precision_weighted | `Recall | `Recall_macro | `Recall_micro | `Recall_samples | `Recall_weighted | `F1 | `F1_macro | `F1_micro | `F1_samples | `F1_weighted | `Jaccard | `Jaccard_macro | `Jaccard_micro | `Jaccard_samples | `Jaccard_weighted] list | `Neg_brier_score | `Roc_auc_ovo | `F1_weighted | `Average_precision | `Adjusted_mutual_info_score | `Neg_mean_poisson_deviance | `Neg_median_absolute_error | `Jaccard_macro | `Jaccard_micro | `Neg_log_loss | `Recall_samples | `Explained_variance | `Balanced_accuracy | `Normalized_mutual_info_score | `F1_samples | `Completeness_score | `Mutual_info_score | `Accuracy | `Neg_mean_squared_log_error | `Roc_auc | `Precision_samples | `V_measure_score | `Neg_mean_gamma_deviance | `Jaccard_weighted | `R2 | `Recall_weighted | `Recall_macro | `Roc_auc_ovr_weighted | `Homogeneity_score | `Neg_mean_squared_error | `Neg_root_mean_squared_error | `Recall | `Neg_mean_absolute_error | `Adjusted_rand_score | `Jaccard_samples | `F1_macro] ->
  ?n_jobs:int ->
  ?iid:bool ->
  ?refit:[`Callable of Py.Object.t | `S of string | `Bool of bool] ->
  ?cv:[`BaseCrossValidator of [>`BaseCrossValidator] Np.Obj.t | `I of int | `Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t] ->
  ?verbose:int ->
  ?pre_dispatch:[`S of string | `I of int] ->
  ?error_score:[`F of float | `Raise | `I of int] ->
  ?return_train_score:bool ->
  estimator:[>`BaseEstimator] Np.Obj.t ->
  param_grid:[`Grid of (string * Dict.param_grid) list | `Grids of (string * Dict.param_grid) list list] ->
  unit ->

Exhaustive search over specified parameter values for an estimator.

Important members are fit, predict.

GridSearchCV implements a 'fit' and a 'score' method. It also implements 'predict', 'predict_proba', 'decision_function', 'transform' and 'inverse_transform' if they are implemented in the estimator used.

The parameters of the estimator used to apply these methods are optimized by cross-validated grid-search over a parameter grid.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <grid_search>.


  • estimator : estimator object. This is assumed to implement the scikit-learn estimator interface. Either estimator needs to provide a score function, or scoring must be passed.

  • param_grid : dict or list of dictionaries Dictionary with parameters names (str) as keys and lists of parameter settings to try as values, or a list of such dictionaries, in which case the grids spanned by each dictionary in the list are explored. This enables searching over any sequence of parameter settings.

  • scoring : str, callable, list/tuple or dict, default=None A single str (see :ref:scoring_parameter) or a callable (see :ref:scoring) to evaluate the predictions on the test set.

    For evaluating multiple metrics, either give a list of (unique) strings or a dict with names as keys and callables as values.

    NOTE that when using custom scorers, each scorer should return a single value. Metric functions returning a list/array of values can be wrapped into multiple scorers that return one value each.

  • See :ref:multimetric_grid_search for an example.

    If None, the estimator's score method is used.

  • n_jobs : int, default=None Number of jobs to run in parallel. None means 1 unless in a :obj:joblib.parallel_backend context. -1 means using all processors. See :term:Glossary <n_jobs> for more details.

    .. versionchanged:: v0.20 n_jobs default changed from 1 to None

  • pre_dispatch : int, or str, default=n_jobs Controls the number of jobs that get dispatched during parallel execution. Reducing this number can be useful to avoid an explosion of memory consumption when more jobs get dispatched than CPUs can process. This parameter can be:

    - None, in which case all the jobs are immediately
      created and spawned. Use this for lightweight and
      fast-running jobs, to avoid delays due to on-demand
      spawning of the jobs
    - An int, giving the exact number of total jobs that are
    - A str, giving an expression as a function of n_jobs,
      as in '2*n_jobs'
  • iid : bool, default=False If True, return the average score across folds, weighted by the number of samples in each test set. In this case, the data is assumed to be identically distributed across the folds, and the loss minimized is the total loss per sample, and not the mean loss across the folds.

    .. deprecated:: 0.22 Parameter iid is deprecated in 0.22 and will be removed in 0.24

  • cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:

    • None, to use the default 5-fold cross validation,
    • integer, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
    • :term:CV splitter,
    • An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

    For integer/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass, :class:StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, :class:KFold is used.

  • Refer :ref:User Guide <cross_validation> for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 cv default value if None changed from 3-fold to 5-fold.

  • refit : bool, str, or callable, default=True Refit an estimator using the best found parameters on the whole dataset.

    For multiple metric evaluation, this needs to be a str denoting the scorer that would be used to find the best parameters for refitting the estimator at the end.

    Where there are considerations other than maximum score in choosing a best estimator, refit can be set to a function which returns the selected best_index_ given cv_results_. In that case, the best_estimator_ and best_params_ will be set according to the returned best_index_ while the best_score_ attribute will not be available.

    The refitted estimator is made available at the best_estimator_ attribute and permits using predict directly on this GridSearchCV instance.

    Also for multiple metric evaluation, the attributes best_index_, best_score_ and best_params_ will only be available if refit is set and all of them will be determined w.r.t this specific scorer.

    See scoring parameter to know more about multiple metric evaluation.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.20 Support for callable added.

  • verbose : integer Controls the verbosity: the higher, the more messages.

  • error_score : 'raise' or numeric, default=np.nan Value to assign to the score if an error occurs in estimator fitting. If set to 'raise', the error is raised. If a numeric value is given, FitFailedWarning is raised. This parameter does not affect the refit step, which will always raise the error.

  • return_train_score : bool, default=False If False, the cv_results_ attribute will not include training scores. Computing training scores is used to get insights on how different parameter settings impact the overfitting/underfitting trade-off. However computing the scores on the training set can be computationally expensive and is not strictly required to select the parameters that yield the best generalization performance.

    .. versionadded:: 0.19

    .. versionchanged:: 0.21 Default value was changed from True to False


>>> from sklearn import svm, datasets
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
>>> iris = datasets.load_iris()
>>> parameters = {'kernel':('linear', 'rbf'), 'C':[1, 10]}
>>> svc = svm.SVC()
>>> clf = GridSearchCV(svc, parameters)
  • param_grid={'C': [1, 10], 'kernel': ('linear', 'rbf')})
    >>> sorted(clf.cv_results_.keys())
    ['mean_fit_time', 'mean_score_time', 'mean_test_score',...
     'param_C', 'param_kernel', 'params',...
     'rank_test_score', 'split0_test_score',...
     'split2_test_score', ...
     'std_fit_time', 'std_score_time', 'std_test_score']


  • cv_results_ : dict of numpy (masked) ndarrays A dict with keys as column headers and values as columns, that can be imported into a pandas DataFrame.

    For instance the below given table

    +------------+-----------+------------+-----------------+---+---------+ |param_kernel|param_gamma|param_degree|split0_test_score|...|rank_t...| +============+===========+============+=================+===+=========+ | 'poly' | -- | 2 | 0.80 |...| 2 | +------------+-----------+------------+-----------------+---+---------+ | 'poly' | -- | 3 | 0.70 |...| 4 | +------------+-----------+------------+-----------------+---+---------+ | 'rbf' | 0.1 | -- | 0.80 |...| 3 | +------------+-----------+------------+-----------------+---+---------+ | 'rbf' | 0.2 | -- | 0.93 |...| 1 | +------------+-----------+------------+-----------------+---+---------+

    will be represented by a cv_results_ dict of::

    'param_kernel': masked_array(data = ['poly', 'poly', 'rbf', 'rbf'],
                                 mask = [False False False False]...)
    'param_gamma': masked_array(data = [-- -- 0.1 0.2],
                                mask = [ True  True False False]...),
    'param_degree': masked_array(data = [2.0 3.0 -- --],
                                 mask = [False False  True  True]...),
    'split0_test_score'  : [0.80, 0.70, 0.80, 0.93],
    'split1_test_score'  : [0.82, 0.50, 0.70, 0.78],
    'mean_test_score'    : [0.81, 0.60, 0.75, 0.85],
    'std_test_score'     : [0.01, 0.10, 0.05, 0.08],
    'rank_test_score'    : [2, 4, 3, 1],
    'split0_train_score' : [0.80, 0.92, 0.70, 0.93],
    'split1_train_score' : [0.82, 0.55, 0.70, 0.87],
    'mean_train_score'   : [0.81, 0.74, 0.70, 0.90],
    'std_train_score'    : [0.01, 0.19, 0.00, 0.03],
    'mean_fit_time'      : [0.73, 0.63, 0.43, 0.49],
    'std_fit_time'       : [0.01, 0.02, 0.01, 0.01],
    'mean_score_time'    : [0.01, 0.06, 0.04, 0.04],
    'std_score_time'     : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.01],
    'params'             : [{'kernel': 'poly', 'degree': 2}, ...],


    The key 'params' is used to store a list of parameter settings dicts for all the parameter candidates.

    The mean_fit_time, std_fit_time, mean_score_time and std_score_time are all in seconds.

    For multi-metric evaluation, the scores for all the scorers are available in the cv_results_ dict at the keys ending with that scorer's name ('_<scorer_name>') instead of '_score' shown above. ('split0_test_precision', 'mean_train_precision' etc.)

  • best_estimator_ : estimator Estimator that was chosen by the search, i.e. estimator which gave highest score (or smallest loss if specified) on the left out data. Not available if refit=False.

    See refit parameter for more information on allowed values.

  • best_score_ : float Mean cross-validated score of the best_estimator

    For multi-metric evaluation, this is present only if refit is specified.

    This attribute is not available if refit is a function.

  • best_params_ : dict Parameter setting that gave the best results on the hold out data.

    For multi-metric evaluation, this is present only if refit is specified.

  • best_index_ : int The index (of the cv_results_ arrays) which corresponds to the best candidate parameter setting.

    The dict at search.cv_results_['params'][search.best_index_] gives the parameter setting for the best model, that gives the highest mean score (search.best_score_).

    For multi-metric evaluation, this is present only if refit is specified.

  • scorer_ : function or a dict Scorer function used on the held out data to choose the best parameters for the model.

    For multi-metric evaluation, this attribute holds the validated scoring dict which maps the scorer key to the scorer callable.

  • n_splits_ : int The number of cross-validation splits (folds/iterations).

  • refit_time_ : float Seconds used for refitting the best model on the whole dataset.

    This is present only if refit is not False.

    .. versionadded:: 0.20


The parameters selected are those that maximize the score of the left out data, unless an explicit score is passed in which case it is used instead.

If n_jobs was set to a value higher than one, the data is copied for each point in the grid (and not n_jobs times). This is done for efficiency reasons if individual jobs take very little time, but may raise errors if the dataset is large and not enough memory is available. A workaround in this case is to set pre_dispatch. Then, the memory is copied only pre_dispatch many times. A reasonable value for pre_dispatch is 2 * n_jobs.

See Also

:class:ParameterGrid: generates all the combinations of a hyperparameter grid.

:func:sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split: utility function to split the data into a development set usable for fitting a GridSearchCV instance and an evaluation set for its final evaluation.

:func:sklearn.metrics.make_scorer: Make a scorer from a performance metric or loss function.


method decision_function
val decision_function :
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t

Call decision_function on the estimator with the best found parameters.

Only available if refit=True and the underlying estimator supports decision_function.


  • X : indexable, length n_samples Must fulfill the input assumptions of the underlying estimator.


method fit
val fit :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?fit_params:(string * Py.Object.t) list ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Run fit with all sets of parameters.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_output) or (n_samples,), default=None Target relative to X for classification or regression; None for unsupervised learning.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set. Only used in conjunction with a 'Group' :term:cv instance (e.g., :class:~sklearn.model_selection.GroupKFold).

  • **fit_params : dict of str -> object Parameters passed to the fit method of the estimator


method get_params
val get_params :
  ?deep:bool ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Get parameters for this estimator.


  • deep : bool, default=True If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.


  • params : mapping of string to any Parameter names mapped to their values.


method inverse_transform
val inverse_transform :
  xt:[`Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t | `Length_n_samples of Py.Object.t] ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Call inverse_transform on the estimator with the best found params.

Only available if the underlying estimator implements inverse_transform and refit=True.


  • Xt : indexable, length n_samples Must fulfill the input assumptions of the underlying estimator.


method predict
val predict :
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t

Call predict on the estimator with the best found parameters.

Only available if refit=True and the underlying estimator supports predict.


  • X : indexable, length n_samples Must fulfill the input assumptions of the underlying estimator.


method predict_log_proba
val predict_log_proba :
  x:[`Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t | `Length_n_samples of Py.Object.t] ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Call predict_log_proba on the estimator with the best found parameters.

Only available if refit=True and the underlying estimator supports predict_log_proba.


  • X : indexable, length n_samples Must fulfill the input assumptions of the underlying estimator.


method predict_proba
val predict_proba :
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t

Call predict_proba on the estimator with the best found parameters.

Only available if refit=True and the underlying estimator supports predict_proba.


  • X : indexable, length n_samples Must fulfill the input assumptions of the underlying estimator.


method score
val score :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the score on the given data, if the estimator has been refit.

This uses the score defined by scoring where provided, and the best_estimator_.score method otherwise.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_output) or (n_samples,), default=None Target relative to X for classification or regression; None for unsupervised learning.


  • score : float


method set_params
val set_params :
  ?params:(string * Py.Object.t) list ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Set the parameters of this estimator.

The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects (such as pipelines). The latter have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it's possible to update each component of a nested object.


  • **params : dict Estimator parameters.


  • self : object Estimator instance.


method transform
val transform :
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t

Call transform on the estimator with the best found parameters.

Only available if the underlying estimator supports transform and refit=True.


  • X : indexable, length n_samples Must fulfill the input assumptions of the underlying estimator.


attribute cv_results_
val cv_results_ : t -> Dict.t
val cv_results_opt : t -> (Dict.t) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute best_estimator_
val best_estimator_ : t -> [`BaseEstimator|`Object] Np.Obj.t
val best_estimator_opt : t -> ([`BaseEstimator|`Object] Np.Obj.t) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute best_score_
val best_score_ : t -> float
val best_score_opt : t -> (float) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute best_params_
val best_params_ : t -> Dict.t
val best_params_opt : t -> (Dict.t) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute best_index_
val best_index_ : t -> int
val best_index_opt : t -> (int) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute scorer_
val scorer_ : t -> Py.Object.t
val scorer_opt : t -> (Py.Object.t) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute n_splits_
val n_splits_ : t -> int
val n_splits_opt : t -> (int) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute refit_time_
val refit_time_ : t -> float
val refit_time_opt : t -> (float) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​GroupKFold wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.GroupKFold.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  ?n_splits:int ->
  unit ->

K-fold iterator variant with non-overlapping groups.

The same group will not appear in two different folds (the number of distinct groups has to be at least equal to the number of folds).

The folds are approximately balanced in the sense that the number of distinct groups is approximately the same in each fold.


  • n_splits : int, default=5 Number of folds. Must be at least 2.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 n_splits default value changed from 3 to 5.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import GroupKFold
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]])
>>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> groups = np.array([0, 0, 2, 2])
>>> group_kfold = GroupKFold(n_splits=2)
>>> group_kfold.get_n_splits(X, y, groups)
>>> print(group_kfold)
>>> for train_index, test_index in group_kfold.split(X, y, groups):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
...     X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
...     y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
...     print(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test)
  • TRAIN: [0 1] TEST: [2 3] [[1 2] [3 4]] [[5 6] [7 8]] [1 2] [3 4]

  • TRAIN: [2 3] TEST: [0 1] [[5 6] [7 8]] [[1 2] [3 4]] [3 4] [1 2]

See also

LeaveOneGroupOut For splitting the data according to explicit domain-specific stratification of the dataset.


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None The target variable for supervised learning problems.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​GroupShuffleSplit wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.GroupShuffleSplit.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  ?n_splits:int ->
  ?test_size:[`F of float | `I of int] ->
  ?train_size:[`F of float | `I of int] ->
  ?random_state:int ->
  unit ->

Shuffle-Group(s)-Out cross-validation iterator

Provides randomized train/test indices to split data according to a third-party provided group. This group information can be used to encode arbitrary domain specific stratifications of the samples as integers.

For instance the groups could be the year of collection of the samples and thus allow for cross-validation against time-based splits.

The difference between LeavePGroupsOut and GroupShuffleSplit is that the former generates splits using all subsets of size p unique groups, whereas GroupShuffleSplit generates a user-determined number of random test splits, each with a user-determined fraction of unique groups.

For example, a less computationally intensive alternative to LeavePGroupsOut(p=10) would be GroupShuffleSplit(test_size=10, n_splits=100).

  • Note: The parameters test_size and train_size refer to groups, and not to samples, as in ShuffleSplit.


  • n_splits : int, default=5 Number of re-shuffling & splitting iterations.

  • test_size : float, int, default=0.2 If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of groups to include in the test split (rounded up). If int, represents the absolute number of test groups. If None, the value is set to the complement of the train size. The default will change in version 0.21. It will remain 0.2 only if train_size is unspecified, otherwise it will complement the specified train_size.

  • train_size : float or int, default=None If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the groups to include in the train split. If int, represents the absolute number of train groups. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the test size.

  • random_state : int or RandomState instance, default=None Controls the randomness of the training and testing indices produced. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

  • See :term:Glossary <random_state>.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import GroupShuffleSplit
>>> X = np.ones(shape=(8, 2))
>>> y = np.ones(shape=(8, 1))
>>> groups = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3])
>>> print(groups.shape)
>>> gss = GroupShuffleSplit(n_splits=2, train_size=.7, random_state=42)
>>> gss.get_n_splits()
>>> for train_idx, test_idx in gss.split(X, y, groups):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_idx, 'TEST:', test_idx)
  • TRAIN: [2 3 4 5 6 7] TEST: [0 1]

  • TRAIN: [0 1 5 6 7] TEST: [2 3 4]


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None The target variable for supervised learning problems.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


Randomized CV splitters may return different results for each call of split. You can make the results identical by setting random_state to an integer.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​KFold wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.KFold.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  ?n_splits:int ->
  ?shuffle:bool ->
  ?random_state:int ->
  unit ->

K-Folds cross-validator

Provides train/test indices to split data in train/test sets. Split dataset into k consecutive folds (without shuffling by default).

Each fold is then used once as a validation while the k - 1 remaining folds form the training set.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • n_splits : int, default=5 Number of folds. Must be at least 2.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 n_splits default value changed from 3 to 5.

  • shuffle : bool, default=False Whether to shuffle the data before splitting into batches. Note that the samples within each split will not be shuffled.

  • random_state : int or RandomState instance, default=None When shuffle is True, random_state affects the ordering of the indices, which controls the randomness of each fold. Otherwise, this parameter has no effect. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

  • See :term:Glossary <random_state>.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import KFold
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> kf = KFold(n_splits=2)
>>> kf.get_n_splits(X)
>>> print(kf)
KFold(n_splits=2, random_state=None, shuffle=False)
>>> for train_index, test_index in kf.split(X):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
...     X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
...     y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
  • TRAIN: [2 3] TEST: [0 1]

  • TRAIN: [0 1] TEST: [2 3]


The first n_samples % n_splits folds have size n_samples // n_splits + 1, other folds have size n_samples // n_splits, where n_samples is the number of samples.

Randomized CV splitters may return different results for each call of split. You can make the results identical by setting random_state to an integer.

See also

StratifiedKFold Takes group information into account to avoid building folds with imbalanced class distributions (for binary or multiclass classification tasks).

  • GroupKFold: K-fold iterator variant with non-overlapping groups.

  • RepeatedKFold: Repeats K-Fold n times.


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None The target variable for supervised learning problems.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​LeaveOneGroupOut wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.LeaveOneGroupOut.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  unit ->

Leave One Group Out cross-validator

Provides train/test indices to split data according to a third-party provided group. This group information can be used to encode arbitrary domain specific stratifications of the samples as integers.

For instance the groups could be the year of collection of the samples and thus allow for cross-validation against time-based splits.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneGroupOut
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]])
>>> y = np.array([1, 2, 1, 2])
>>> groups = np.array([1, 1, 2, 2])
>>> logo = LeaveOneGroupOut()
>>> logo.get_n_splits(X, y, groups)
>>> logo.get_n_splits(groups=groups)  # 'groups' is always required
>>> print(logo)
>>> for train_index, test_index in logo.split(X, y, groups):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
...     X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
...     y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
...     print(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test)
  • TRAIN: [2 3] TEST: [0 1] [[5 6] [7 8]] [[1 2] [3 4]] [1 2] [1 2]

  • TRAIN: [0 1] TEST: [2 3] [[1 2] [3 4]] [[5 6] [7 8]] [1 2] [1 2]


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set. This 'groups' parameter must always be specified to calculate the number of splits, though the other parameters can be omitted.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None The target variable for supervised learning problems.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​LeaveOneOut wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.LeaveOneOut.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  unit ->

Leave-One-Out cross-validator

Provides train/test indices to split data in train/test sets. Each sample is used once as a test set (singleton) while the remaining samples form the training set.

  • Note: LeaveOneOut() is equivalent to KFold(n_splits=n) and LeavePOut(p=1) where n is the number of samples.

Due to the high number of test sets (which is the same as the number of samples) this cross-validation method can be very costly. For large datasets one should favor :class:KFold, :class:ShuffleSplit

  • or :class:StratifiedKFold.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import LeaveOneOut
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> y = np.array([1, 2])
>>> loo = LeaveOneOut()
>>> loo.get_n_splits(X)
>>> print(loo)
>>> for train_index, test_index in loo.split(X):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
...     X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
...     y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
...     print(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test)
  • TRAIN: [1] TEST: [0] [[3 4]] [[1 2]] [2] [1]

  • TRAIN: [0] TEST: [1] [[1 2]] [[3 4]] [1] [2]

See also

LeaveOneGroupOut For splitting the data according to explicit, domain-specific stratification of the dataset.

  • GroupKFold: K-fold iterator variant with non-overlapping groups.


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) The target variable for supervised learning problems.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​LeavePGroupsOut wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.LeavePGroupsOut.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  int ->

Leave P Group(s) Out cross-validator

Provides train/test indices to split data according to a third-party provided group. This group information can be used to encode arbitrary domain specific stratifications of the samples as integers.

For instance the groups could be the year of collection of the samples and thus allow for cross-validation against time-based splits.

The difference between LeavePGroupsOut and LeaveOneGroupOut is that the former builds the test sets with all the samples assigned to p different values of the groups while the latter uses samples all assigned the same groups.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • n_groups : int Number of groups (p) to leave out in the test split.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import LeavePGroupsOut
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
>>> y = np.array([1, 2, 1])
>>> groups = np.array([1, 2, 3])
>>> lpgo = LeavePGroupsOut(n_groups=2)
>>> lpgo.get_n_splits(X, y, groups)
>>> lpgo.get_n_splits(groups=groups)  # 'groups' is always required
>>> print(lpgo)
>>> for train_index, test_index in lpgo.split(X, y, groups):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
...     X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
...     y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
...     print(X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test)
  • TRAIN: [2] TEST: [0 1] [[5 6]] [[1 2] [3 4]] [1] [1 2]

  • TRAIN: [1] TEST: [0 2] [[3 4]] [[1 2] [5 6]] [2] [1 1]

  • TRAIN: [0] TEST: [1 2] [[1 2]] [[3 4] [5 6]] [1] [2 1]

See also

  • GroupKFold: K-fold iterator variant with non-overlapping groups.


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set. This 'groups' parameter must always be specified to calculate the number of splits, though the other parameters can be omitted.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None The target variable for supervised learning problems.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​LeavePOut wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.LeavePOut.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  int ->

Leave-P-Out cross-validator

Provides train/test indices to split data in train/test sets. This results in testing on all distinct samples of size p, while the remaining n - p samples form the training set in each iteration.

  • Note: LeavePOut(p) is NOT equivalent to KFold(n_splits=n_samples // p) which creates non-overlapping test sets.

Due to the high number of iterations which grows combinatorically with the number of samples this cross-validation method can be very costly. For large datasets one should favor :class:KFold, :class:StratifiedKFold

  • or :class:ShuffleSplit.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • p : int Size of the test sets. Must be strictly less than the number of samples.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import LeavePOut
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8]])
>>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>>> lpo = LeavePOut(2)
>>> lpo.get_n_splits(X)
>>> print(lpo)
>>> for train_index, test_index in lpo.split(X):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
...     X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
...     y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
  • TRAIN: [2 3] TEST: [0 1]

  • TRAIN: [1 3] TEST: [0 2]

  • TRAIN: [1 2] TEST: [0 3]

  • TRAIN: [0 3] TEST: [1 2]

  • TRAIN: [0 2] TEST: [1 3]

  • TRAIN: [0 1] TEST: [2 3]


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


method split
val split :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) The target variable for supervised learning problems.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​ParameterGrid wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.ParameterGrid.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  [`Grid of (string * Dict.param_grid) list | `Grids of (string * Dict.param_grid) list list] ->

Grid of parameters with a discrete number of values for each.

Can be used to iterate over parameter value combinations with the Python built-in function iter.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <grid_search>.


  • param_grid : dict of str to sequence, or sequence of such The parameter grid to explore, as a dictionary mapping estimator parameters to sequences of allowed values.

    An empty dict signifies default parameters.

    A sequence of dicts signifies a sequence of grids to search, and is useful to avoid exploring parameter combinations that make no sense or have no effect. See the examples below.


>>> from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterGrid
>>> param_grid = {'a': [1, 2], 'b': [True, False]}
>>> list(ParameterGrid(param_grid)) == (
...    [{'a': 1, 'b': True}, {'a': 1, 'b': False},
...     {'a': 2, 'b': True}, {'a': 2, 'b': False}])
>>> grid = [{'kernel': ['linear']}, {'kernel': ['rbf'], 'gamma': [1, 10]}]
>>> list(ParameterGrid(grid)) == [{'kernel': 'linear'},
...                               {'kernel': 'rbf', 'gamma': 1},
...                               {'kernel': 'rbf', 'gamma': 10}]
>>> ParameterGrid(grid)[1] == {'kernel': 'rbf', 'gamma': 1}

See also


  • Uses :class:ParameterGrid to perform a full parallelized parameter search.


method get_item
val get_item :
  ind:int ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Get the parameters that would be indth in iteration


  • ind : int The iteration index


  • params : dict of str to any Equal to list(self)[ind]


method iter
val iter :
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  Dict.t Seq.t

Iterate over the points in the grid.


  • params : iterator over dict of str to any Yields dictionaries mapping each estimator parameter to one of its allowed values.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​ParameterSampler wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.ParameterSampler.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  ?random_state:int ->
  param_distributions:[`Grid of (string * Dict.param_distributions) list | `Grids of (string * Dict.param_distributions) list list] ->
  n_iter:int ->
  unit ->

Generator on parameters sampled from given distributions.

Non-deterministic iterable over random candidate combinations for hyper- parameter search. If all parameters are presented as a list, sampling without replacement is performed. If at least one parameter is given as a distribution, sampling with replacement is used. It is highly recommended to use continuous distributions for continuous parameters.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <grid_search>.


  • param_distributions : dict Dictionary with parameters names (str) as keys and distributions or lists of parameters to try. Distributions must provide a rvs method for sampling (such as those from scipy.stats.distributions). If a list is given, it is sampled uniformly. If a list of dicts is given, first a dict is sampled uniformly, and then a parameter is sampled using that dict as above.

  • n_iter : integer Number of parameter settings that are produced.

  • random_state : int or RandomState instance, default=None Pseudo random number generator state used for random uniform sampling from lists of possible values instead of scipy.stats distributions. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

  • See :term:Glossary <random_state>.


  • params : dict of str to any Yields dictionaries mapping each estimator parameter to as sampled value.


>>> from sklearn.model_selection import ParameterSampler
>>> from scipy.stats.distributions import expon
>>> import numpy as np
>>> rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
>>> param_grid = {'a':[1, 2], 'b': expon()}
>>> param_list = list(ParameterSampler(param_grid, n_iter=4,
...                                    random_state=rng))
>>> rounded_list = [dict((k, round(v, 6)) for (k, v) in d.items())
...                 for d in param_list]
>>> rounded_list == [{'b': 0.89856, 'a': 1},
...                  {'b': 0.923223, 'a': 1},
...                  {'b': 1.878964, 'a': 2},
...                  {'b': 1.038159, 'a': 2}]


method iter
val iter :
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  Dict.t Seq.t


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​PredefinedSplit wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.PredefinedSplit.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->

Predefined split cross-validator

Provides train/test indices to split data into train/test sets using a predefined scheme specified by the user with the test_fold parameter.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.

.. versionadded:: 0.16


  • test_fold : array-like of shape (n_samples,) The entry test_fold[i] represents the index of the test set that sample i belongs to. It is possible to exclude sample i from any test set (i.e. include sample i in every training set) by setting test_fold[i] equal to -1.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import PredefinedSplit
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> y = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])
>>> test_fold = [0, 1, -1, 1]
>>> ps = PredefinedSplit(test_fold)
>>> ps.get_n_splits()
>>> print(ps)
PredefinedSplit(test_fold=array([ 0,  1, -1,  1]))
>>> for train_index, test_index in ps.split():
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
...     X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
...     y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
  • TRAIN: [1 2 3] TEST: [0]

  • TRAIN: [0 2] TEST: [1 3]


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​RandomizedSearchCV wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.RandomizedSearchCV.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  ?n_iter:int ->
  ?scoring:[`Roc_auc_ovo_weighted | `Callable of Py.Object.t | `Precision | `Roc_auc_ovr | `Recall_micro | `F1_micro | `Precision_micro | `Fowlkes_mallows_score | `Dict of Dict.t | `F1 | `Jaccard | `Max_error | `Precision_weighted | `Precision_macro | `Scores of [`Explained_variance | `R2 | `Max_error | `Neg_median_absolute_error | `Neg_mean_absolute_error | `Neg_mean_squared_error | `Neg_mean_squared_log_error | `Neg_root_mean_squared_error | `Neg_mean_poisson_deviance | `Neg_mean_gamma_deviance | `Accuracy | `Roc_auc | `Roc_auc_ovr | `Roc_auc_ovo | `Roc_auc_ovr_weighted | `Roc_auc_ovo_weighted | `Balanced_accuracy | `Average_precision | `Neg_log_loss | `Neg_brier_score | `Adjusted_rand_score | `Homogeneity_score | `Completeness_score | `V_measure_score | `Mutual_info_score | `Adjusted_mutual_info_score | `Normalized_mutual_info_score | `Fowlkes_mallows_score | `Precision | `Precision_macro | `Precision_micro | `Precision_samples | `Precision_weighted | `Recall | `Recall_macro | `Recall_micro | `Recall_samples | `Recall_weighted | `F1 | `F1_macro | `F1_micro | `F1_samples | `F1_weighted | `Jaccard | `Jaccard_macro | `Jaccard_micro | `Jaccard_samples | `Jaccard_weighted] list | `Neg_brier_score | `Roc_auc_ovo | `F1_weighted | `Average_precision | `Adjusted_mutual_info_score | `Neg_mean_poisson_deviance | `Neg_median_absolute_error | `Jaccard_macro | `Jaccard_micro | `Neg_log_loss | `Recall_samples | `Explained_variance | `Balanced_accuracy | `Normalized_mutual_info_score | `F1_samples | `Completeness_score | `Mutual_info_score | `Accuracy | `Neg_mean_squared_log_error | `Roc_auc | `Precision_samples | `V_measure_score | `Neg_mean_gamma_deviance | `Jaccard_weighted | `R2 | `Recall_weighted | `Recall_macro | `Roc_auc_ovr_weighted | `Homogeneity_score | `Neg_mean_squared_error | `Neg_root_mean_squared_error | `Recall | `Neg_mean_absolute_error | `Adjusted_rand_score | `Jaccard_samples | `F1_macro] ->
  ?n_jobs:int ->
  ?iid:bool ->
  ?refit:[`Callable of Py.Object.t | `S of string | `Bool of bool] ->
  ?cv:[`BaseCrossValidator of [>`BaseCrossValidator] Np.Obj.t | `I of int | `Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t] ->
  ?verbose:int ->
  ?pre_dispatch:[`S of string | `I of int] ->
  ?random_state:int ->
  ?error_score:[`F of float | `Raise | `I of int] ->
  ?return_train_score:bool ->
  estimator:[>`BaseEstimator] Np.Obj.t ->
  param_distributions:[`Grid of (string * Dict.param_distributions) list | `Grids of (string * Dict.param_distributions) list list] ->
  unit ->

Randomized search on hyper parameters.

RandomizedSearchCV implements a 'fit' and a 'score' method. It also implements 'predict', 'predict_proba', 'decision_function', 'transform' and 'inverse_transform' if they are implemented in the estimator used.

The parameters of the estimator used to apply these methods are optimized by cross-validated search over parameter settings.

In contrast to GridSearchCV, not all parameter values are tried out, but rather a fixed number of parameter settings is sampled from the specified distributions. The number of parameter settings that are tried is given by n_iter.

If all parameters are presented as a list, sampling without replacement is performed. If at least one parameter is given as a distribution, sampling with replacement is used. It is highly recommended to use continuous distributions for continuous parameters.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <randomized_parameter_search>.

.. versionadded:: 0.14


  • estimator : estimator object. A object of that type is instantiated for each grid point. This is assumed to implement the scikit-learn estimator interface. Either estimator needs to provide a score function, or scoring must be passed.

  • param_distributions : dict or list of dicts Dictionary with parameters names (str) as keys and distributions or lists of parameters to try. Distributions must provide a rvs method for sampling (such as those from scipy.stats.distributions). If a list is given, it is sampled uniformly. If a list of dicts is given, first a dict is sampled uniformly, and then a parameter is sampled using that dict as above.

  • n_iter : int, default=10 Number of parameter settings that are sampled. n_iter trades off runtime vs quality of the solution.

  • scoring : str, callable, list/tuple or dict, default=None A single str (see :ref:scoring_parameter) or a callable (see :ref:scoring) to evaluate the predictions on the test set.

    For evaluating multiple metrics, either give a list of (unique) strings or a dict with names as keys and callables as values.

    NOTE that when using custom scorers, each scorer should return a single value. Metric functions returning a list/array of values can be wrapped into multiple scorers that return one value each.

  • See :ref:multimetric_grid_search for an example.

    If None, the estimator's score method is used.

  • n_jobs : int, default=None Number of jobs to run in parallel. None means 1 unless in a :obj:joblib.parallel_backend context. -1 means using all processors. See :term:Glossary <n_jobs> for more details.

    .. versionchanged:: v0.20 n_jobs default changed from 1 to None

  • pre_dispatch : int, or str, default=None Controls the number of jobs that get dispatched during parallel execution. Reducing this number can be useful to avoid an explosion of memory consumption when more jobs get dispatched than CPUs can process. This parameter can be:

    - None, in which case all the jobs are immediately
      created and spawned. Use this for lightweight and
      fast-running jobs, to avoid delays due to on-demand
      spawning of the jobs
    - An int, giving the exact number of total jobs that are
    - A str, giving an expression as a function of n_jobs,
      as in '2*n_jobs'
  • iid : bool, default=False If True, return the average score across folds, weighted by the number of samples in each test set. In this case, the data is assumed to be identically distributed across the folds, and the loss minimized is the total loss per sample, and not the mean loss across the folds.

    .. deprecated:: 0.22 Parameter iid is deprecated in 0.22 and will be removed in 0.24

  • cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:

    • None, to use the default 5-fold cross validation,
    • integer, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
    • :term:CV splitter,
    • An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

    For integer/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass, :class:StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, :class:KFold is used.

  • Refer :ref:User Guide <cross_validation> for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 cv default value if None changed from 3-fold to 5-fold.

  • refit : bool, str, or callable, default=True Refit an estimator using the best found parameters on the whole dataset.

    For multiple metric evaluation, this needs to be a str denoting the scorer that would be used to find the best parameters for refitting the estimator at the end.

    Where there are considerations other than maximum score in choosing a best estimator, refit can be set to a function which returns the selected best_index_ given the cv_results. In that case, the best_estimator_ and best_params_ will be set according to the returned best_index_ while the best_score_ attribute will not be available.

    The refitted estimator is made available at the best_estimator_ attribute and permits using predict directly on this RandomizedSearchCV instance.

    Also for multiple metric evaluation, the attributes best_index_, best_score_ and best_params_ will only be available if refit is set and all of them will be determined w.r.t this specific scorer.

    See scoring parameter to know more about multiple metric evaluation.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.20 Support for callable added.

  • verbose : integer Controls the verbosity: the higher, the more messages.

  • random_state : int or RandomState instance, default=None Pseudo random number generator state used for random uniform sampling from lists of possible values instead of scipy.stats distributions. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

  • See :term:Glossary <random_state>.

  • error_score : 'raise' or numeric, default=np.nan Value to assign to the score if an error occurs in estimator fitting. If set to 'raise', the error is raised. If a numeric value is given, FitFailedWarning is raised. This parameter does not affect the refit step, which will always raise the error.

  • return_train_score : bool, default=False If False, the cv_results_ attribute will not include training scores. Computing training scores is used to get insights on how different parameter settings impact the overfitting/underfitting trade-off. However computing the scores on the training set can be computationally expensive and is not strictly required to select the parameters that yield the best generalization performance.

    .. versionadded:: 0.19

    .. versionchanged:: 0.21 Default value was changed from True to False


  • cv_results_ : dict of numpy (masked) ndarrays A dict with keys as column headers and values as columns, that can be imported into a pandas DataFrame.

    For instance the below given table

    +--------------+-------------+-------------------+---+---------------+ | param_kernel | param_gamma | split0_test_score |...|rank_test_score| +==============+=============+===================+===+===============+ | 'rbf' | 0.1 | 0.80 |...| 2 | +--------------+-------------+-------------------+---+---------------+ | 'rbf' | 0.2 | 0.90 |...| 1 | +--------------+-------------+-------------------+---+---------------+ | 'rbf' | 0.3 | 0.70 |...| 1 | +--------------+-------------+-------------------+---+---------------+

    will be represented by a cv_results_ dict of::

    'param_kernel' : masked_array(data = ['rbf', 'rbf', 'rbf'],
                                  mask = False),
    'param_gamma'  : masked_array(data = [0.1 0.2 0.3], mask = False),
    'split0_test_score'  : [0.80, 0.90, 0.70],
    'split1_test_score'  : [0.82, 0.50, 0.70],
    'mean_test_score'    : [0.81, 0.70, 0.70],
    'std_test_score'     : [0.01, 0.20, 0.00],
    'rank_test_score'    : [3, 1, 1],
    'split0_train_score' : [0.80, 0.92, 0.70],
    'split1_train_score' : [0.82, 0.55, 0.70],
    'mean_train_score'   : [0.81, 0.74, 0.70],
    'std_train_score'    : [0.01, 0.19, 0.00],
    'mean_fit_time'      : [0.73, 0.63, 0.43],
    'std_fit_time'       : [0.01, 0.02, 0.01],
    'mean_score_time'    : [0.01, 0.06, 0.04],
    'std_score_time'     : [0.00, 0.00, 0.00],
    'params'             : [{'kernel' : 'rbf', 'gamma' : 0.1}, ...],


    The key 'params' is used to store a list of parameter settings dicts for all the parameter candidates.

    The mean_fit_time, std_fit_time, mean_score_time and std_score_time are all in seconds.

    For multi-metric evaluation, the scores for all the scorers are available in the cv_results_ dict at the keys ending with that scorer's name ('_<scorer_name>') instead of '_score' shown above. ('split0_test_precision', 'mean_train_precision' etc.)

  • best_estimator_ : estimator Estimator that was chosen by the search, i.e. estimator which gave highest score (or smallest loss if specified) on the left out data. Not available if refit=False.

    For multi-metric evaluation, this attribute is present only if refit is specified.

    See refit parameter for more information on allowed values.

  • best_score_ : float Mean cross-validated score of the best_estimator.

    For multi-metric evaluation, this is not available if refit is False. See refit parameter for more information.

    This attribute is not available if refit is a function.

  • best_params_ : dict Parameter setting that gave the best results on the hold out data.

    For multi-metric evaluation, this is not available if refit is False. See refit parameter for more information.

  • best_index_ : int The index (of the cv_results_ arrays) which corresponds to the best candidate parameter setting.

    The dict at search.cv_results_['params'][search.best_index_] gives the parameter setting for the best model, that gives the highest mean score (search.best_score_).

    For multi-metric evaluation, this is not available if refit is False. See refit parameter for more information.

  • scorer_ : function or a dict Scorer function used on the held out data to choose the best parameters for the model.

    For multi-metric evaluation, this attribute holds the validated scoring dict which maps the scorer key to the scorer callable.

  • n_splits_ : int The number of cross-validation splits (folds/iterations).

  • refit_time_ : float Seconds used for refitting the best model on the whole dataset.

    This is present only if refit is not False.

    .. versionadded:: 0.20


The parameters selected are those that maximize the score of the held-out data, according to the scoring parameter.

If n_jobs was set to a value higher than one, the data is copied for each parameter setting(and not n_jobs times). This is done for efficiency reasons if individual jobs take very little time, but may raise errors if the dataset is large and not enough memory is available. A workaround in this case is to set pre_dispatch. Then, the memory is copied only pre_dispatch many times. A reasonable value for pre_dispatch is 2 * n_jobs.

See Also

:class:GridSearchCV: Does exhaustive search over a grid of parameters.

:class:ParameterSampler: A generator over parameter settings, constructed from param_distributions.


>>> from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
>>> from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import RandomizedSearchCV
>>> from scipy.stats import uniform
>>> iris = load_iris()
>>> logistic = LogisticRegression(solver='saga', tol=1e-2, max_iter=200,
...                               random_state=0)
>>> distributions = dict(C=uniform(loc=0, scale=4),
...                      penalty=['l2', 'l1'])
>>> clf = RandomizedSearchCV(logistic, distributions, random_state=0)
>>> search =,
>>> search.best_params_
{'C': 2..., 'penalty': 'l1'}


method decision_function
val decision_function :
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t

Call decision_function on the estimator with the best found parameters.

Only available if refit=True and the underlying estimator supports decision_function.


  • X : indexable, length n_samples Must fulfill the input assumptions of the underlying estimator.


method fit
val fit :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?fit_params:(string * Py.Object.t) list ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Run fit with all sets of parameters.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_output) or (n_samples,), default=None Target relative to X for classification or regression; None for unsupervised learning.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set. Only used in conjunction with a 'Group' :term:cv instance (e.g., :class:~sklearn.model_selection.GroupKFold).

  • **fit_params : dict of str -> object Parameters passed to the fit method of the estimator


method get_params
val get_params :
  ?deep:bool ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Get parameters for this estimator.


  • deep : bool, default=True If True, will return the parameters for this estimator and contained subobjects that are estimators.


  • params : mapping of string to any Parameter names mapped to their values.


method inverse_transform
val inverse_transform :
  xt:[`Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t | `Length_n_samples of Py.Object.t] ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Call inverse_transform on the estimator with the best found params.

Only available if the underlying estimator implements inverse_transform and refit=True.


  • Xt : indexable, length n_samples Must fulfill the input assumptions of the underlying estimator.


method predict
val predict :
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t

Call predict on the estimator with the best found parameters.

Only available if refit=True and the underlying estimator supports predict.


  • X : indexable, length n_samples Must fulfill the input assumptions of the underlying estimator.


method predict_log_proba
val predict_log_proba :
  x:[`Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t | `Length_n_samples of Py.Object.t] ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Call predict_log_proba on the estimator with the best found parameters.

Only available if refit=True and the underlying estimator supports predict_log_proba.


  • X : indexable, length n_samples Must fulfill the input assumptions of the underlying estimator.


method predict_proba
val predict_proba :
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t

Call predict_proba on the estimator with the best found parameters.

Only available if refit=True and the underlying estimator supports predict_proba.


  • X : indexable, length n_samples Must fulfill the input assumptions of the underlying estimator.


method score
val score :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the score on the given data, if the estimator has been refit.

This uses the score defined by scoring where provided, and the best_estimator_.score method otherwise.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Input data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_output) or (n_samples,), default=None Target relative to X for classification or regression; None for unsupervised learning.


  • score : float


method set_params
val set_params :
  ?params:(string * Py.Object.t) list ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Set the parameters of this estimator.

The method works on simple estimators as well as on nested objects (such as pipelines). The latter have parameters of the form <component>__<parameter> so that it's possible to update each component of a nested object.


  • **params : dict Estimator parameters.


  • self : object Estimator instance.


method transform
val transform :
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t

Call transform on the estimator with the best found parameters.

Only available if the underlying estimator supports transform and refit=True.


  • X : indexable, length n_samples Must fulfill the input assumptions of the underlying estimator.


attribute cv_results_
val cv_results_ : t -> Dict.t
val cv_results_opt : t -> (Dict.t) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute best_estimator_
val best_estimator_ : t -> [`BaseEstimator|`Object] Np.Obj.t
val best_estimator_opt : t -> ([`BaseEstimator|`Object] Np.Obj.t) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute best_score_
val best_score_ : t -> float
val best_score_opt : t -> (float) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute best_params_
val best_params_ : t -> Dict.t
val best_params_opt : t -> (Dict.t) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute best_index_
val best_index_ : t -> int
val best_index_opt : t -> (int) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute scorer_
val scorer_ : t -> Py.Object.t
val scorer_opt : t -> (Py.Object.t) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute n_splits_
val n_splits_ : t -> int
val n_splits_opt : t -> (int) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


attribute refit_time_
val refit_time_ : t -> float
val refit_time_opt : t -> (float) option

This attribute is documented in create above. The first version raises Not_found if the attribute is None. The _opt version returns an option.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​RepeatedKFold wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.RepeatedKFold.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  ?n_splits:int ->
  ?n_repeats:int ->
  ?random_state:int ->
  unit ->

Repeated K-Fold cross validator.

Repeats K-Fold n times with different randomization in each repetition.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • n_splits : int, default=5 Number of folds. Must be at least 2.

  • n_repeats : int, default=10 Number of times cross-validator needs to be repeated.

  • random_state : int or RandomState instance, default=None Controls the randomness of each repeated cross-validation instance. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

  • See :term:Glossary <random_state>.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedKFold
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> y = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])
>>> rkf = RepeatedKFold(n_splits=2, n_repeats=2, random_state=2652124)
>>> for train_index, test_index in rkf.split(X):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
...     X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
...     y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
  • TRAIN: [0 1] TEST: [2 3]

  • TRAIN: [2 3] TEST: [0 1]

  • TRAIN: [1 2] TEST: [0 3]

  • TRAIN: [0 3] TEST: [1 2]


Randomized CV splitters may return different results for each call of split. You can make the results identical by setting random_state to an integer.

See also

  • RepeatedStratifiedKFold: Repeats Stratified K-Fold n times.


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility. np.zeros(n_samples) may be used as a placeholder.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility. np.zeros(n_samples) may be used as a placeholder.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generates indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of length n_samples The target variable for supervised learning problems.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​RepeatedStratifiedKFold wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.RepeatedStratifiedKFold.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  ?n_splits:int ->
  ?n_repeats:int ->
  ?random_state:int ->
  unit ->

Repeated Stratified K-Fold cross validator.

Repeats Stratified K-Fold n times with different randomization in each repetition.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • n_splits : int, default=5 Number of folds. Must be at least 2.

  • n_repeats : int, default=10 Number of times cross-validator needs to be repeated.

  • random_state : int or RandomState instance, default=None Controls the generation of the random states for each repetition. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

  • See :term:Glossary <random_state>.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import RepeatedStratifiedKFold
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> y = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])
>>> rskf = RepeatedStratifiedKFold(n_splits=2, n_repeats=2,
...     random_state=36851234)
>>> for train_index, test_index in rskf.split(X, y):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
...     X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
...     y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
  • TRAIN: [1 2] TEST: [0 3]

  • TRAIN: [0 3] TEST: [1 2]

  • TRAIN: [1 3] TEST: [0 2]

  • TRAIN: [0 2] TEST: [1 3]


Randomized CV splitters may return different results for each call of split. You can make the results identical by setting random_state to an integer.

See also

  • RepeatedKFold: Repeats K-Fold n times.


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility. np.zeros(n_samples) may be used as a placeholder.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility. np.zeros(n_samples) may be used as a placeholder.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generates indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like, shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of length n_samples The target variable for supervised learning problems.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​ShuffleSplit wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.ShuffleSplit.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  ?n_splits:int ->
  ?test_size:[`F of float | `I of int] ->
  ?train_size:[`F of float | `I of int] ->
  ?random_state:int ->
  unit ->

Random permutation cross-validator

Yields indices to split data into training and test sets.

  • Note: contrary to other cross-validation strategies, random splits do not guarantee that all folds will be different, although this is still very likely for sizeable datasets.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • n_splits : int, default=10 Number of re-shuffling & splitting iterations.

  • test_size : float or int, default=None If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If int, represents the absolute number of test samples. If None, the value is set to the complement of the train size. If train_size is also None, it will be set to 0.1.

  • train_size : float or int, default=None If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the train split. If int, represents the absolute number of train samples. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the test size.

  • random_state : int or RandomState instance, default=None Controls the randomness of the training and testing indices produced. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

  • See :term:Glossary <random_state>.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import ShuffleSplit
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [3, 4], [5, 6]])
>>> y = np.array([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2])
>>> rs = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=5, test_size=.25, random_state=0)
>>> rs.get_n_splits(X)
>>> print(rs)
ShuffleSplit(n_splits=5, random_state=0, test_size=0.25, train_size=None)
>>> for train_index, test_index in rs.split(X):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
  • TRAIN: [1 3 0 4] TEST: [5 2]

  • TRAIN: [4 0 2 5] TEST: [1 3]

  • TRAIN: [1 2 4 0] TEST: [3 5]

  • TRAIN: [3 4 1 0] TEST: [5 2]

  • TRAIN: [3 5 1 0] TEST: [2 4]

    >>> rs = ShuffleSplit(n_splits=5, train_size=0.5, test_size=.25,
    ...                   random_state=0)
    >>> for train_index, test_index in rs.split(X):
    ...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)

  • TRAIN: [1 3 0] TEST: [5 2]

  • TRAIN: [4 0 2] TEST: [1 3]

  • TRAIN: [1 2 4] TEST: [3 5]

  • TRAIN: [3 4 1] TEST: [5 2]

  • TRAIN: [3 5 1] TEST: [2 4]


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) The target variable for supervised learning problems.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


Randomized CV splitters may return different results for each call of split. You can make the results identical by setting random_state to an integer.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​StratifiedKFold wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedKFold.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  ?n_splits:int ->
  ?shuffle:bool ->
  ?random_state:int ->
  unit ->

Stratified K-Folds cross-validator

Provides train/test indices to split data in train/test sets.

This cross-validation object is a variation of KFold that returns stratified folds. The folds are made by preserving the percentage of samples for each class.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • n_splits : int, default=5 Number of folds. Must be at least 2.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 n_splits default value changed from 3 to 5.

  • shuffle : bool, default=False Whether to shuffle each class's samples before splitting into batches. Note that the samples within each split will not be shuffled.

  • random_state : int or RandomState instance, default=None When shuffle is True, random_state affects the ordering of the indices, which controls the randomness of each fold for each class. Otherwise, leave random_state as None. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

  • See :term:Glossary <random_state>.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> y = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])
>>> skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=2)
>>> skf.get_n_splits(X, y)
>>> print(skf)
StratifiedKFold(n_splits=2, random_state=None, shuffle=False)
>>> for train_index, test_index in skf.split(X, y):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
...     X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
...     y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
  • TRAIN: [1 3] TEST: [0 2]

  • TRAIN: [0 2] TEST: [1 3]


The implementation is designed to:

  • Generate test sets such that all contain the same distribution of classes, or as close as possible.
  • Be invariant to class label: relabelling y = ['Happy', 'Sad'] to y = [1, 0] should not change the indices generated.
  • Preserve order dependencies in the dataset ordering, when shuffle=False: all samples from class k in some test set were contiguous in y, or separated in y by samples from classes other than k.
  • Generate test sets where the smallest and largest differ by at most one sample.

.. versionchanged:: 0.22 The previous implementation did not follow the last constraint.

See also

  • RepeatedStratifiedKFold: Repeats Stratified K-Fold n times.


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

    Note that providing y is sufficient to generate the splits and hence np.zeros(n_samples) may be used as a placeholder for X instead of actual training data.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) The target variable for supervised learning problems. Stratification is done based on the y labels.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


Randomized CV splitters may return different results for each call of split. You can make the results identical by setting random_state to an integer.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​StratifiedShuffleSplit wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.StratifiedShuffleSplit.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  ?n_splits:int ->
  ?test_size:[`F of float | `I of int] ->
  ?train_size:[`F of float | `I of int] ->
  ?random_state:int ->
  unit ->

Stratified ShuffleSplit cross-validator

Provides train/test indices to split data in train/test sets.

This cross-validation object is a merge of StratifiedKFold and ShuffleSplit, which returns stratified randomized folds. The folds are made by preserving the percentage of samples for each class.

  • Note: like the ShuffleSplit strategy, stratified random splits do not guarantee that all folds will be different, although this is still very likely for sizeable datasets.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • n_splits : int, default=10 Number of re-shuffling & splitting iterations.

  • test_size : float or int, default=None If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If int, represents the absolute number of test samples. If None, the value is set to the complement of the train size. If train_size is also None, it will be set to 0.1.

  • train_size : float or int, default=None If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the train split. If int, represents the absolute number of train samples. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the test size.

  • random_state : int or RandomState instance, default=None Controls the randomness of the training and testing indices produced. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

  • See :term:Glossary <random_state>.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedShuffleSplit
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> y = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1])
>>> sss = StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=5, test_size=0.5, random_state=0)
>>> sss.get_n_splits(X, y)
>>> print(sss)
StratifiedShuffleSplit(n_splits=5, random_state=0, ...)
>>> for train_index, test_index in sss.split(X, y):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
...     X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
...     y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
  • TRAIN: [5 2 3] TEST: [4 1 0]

  • TRAIN: [5 1 4] TEST: [0 2 3]

  • TRAIN: [5 0 2] TEST: [4 3 1]

  • TRAIN: [4 1 0] TEST: [2 3 5]

  • TRAIN: [0 5 1] TEST: [3 4 2]


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

    Note that providing y is sufficient to generate the splits and hence np.zeros(n_samples) may be used as a placeholder for X instead of actual training data.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_labels) The target variable for supervised learning problems. Stratification is done based on the y labels.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


Randomized CV splitters may return different results for each call of split. You can make the results identical by setting random_state to an integer.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


Module Sklearn.​Model_selection.​TimeSeriesSplit wraps Python class sklearn.model_selection.TimeSeriesSplit.

type t


constructor and attributes create
val create :
  ?n_splits:int ->
  ?max_train_size:int ->
  unit ->

Time Series cross-validator

.. versionadded:: 0.18

Provides train/test indices to split time series data samples that are observed at fixed time intervals, in train/test sets. In each split, test indices must be higher than before, and thus shuffling in cross validator is inappropriate.

This cross-validation object is a variation of :class:KFold. In the kth split, it returns first k folds as train set and the (k+1)th fold as test set.

Note that unlike standard cross-validation methods, successive training sets are supersets of those that come before them.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • n_splits : int, default=5 Number of splits. Must be at least 2.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 n_splits default value changed from 3 to 5.

  • max_train_size : int, default=None Maximum size for a single training set.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import TimeSeriesSplit
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4], [1, 2], [3, 4]])
>>> y = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
>>> tscv = TimeSeriesSplit()
>>> print(tscv)
TimeSeriesSplit(max_train_size=None, n_splits=5)
>>> for train_index, test_index in tscv.split(X):
...     print('TRAIN:', train_index, 'TEST:', test_index)
...     X_train, X_test = X[train_index], X[test_index]
...     y_train, y_test = y[train_index], y[test_index]
  • TRAIN: [0] TEST: [1]

  • TRAIN: [0 1] TEST: [2]

  • TRAIN: [0 1 2] TEST: [3]

  • TRAIN: [0 1 2 3] TEST: [4]

  • TRAIN: [0 1 2 3 4] TEST: [5]


The training set has size i * n_samples // (n_splits + 1) + n_samples % (n_splits + 1) in the ith split, with a test set of size n_samples//(n_splits + 1), where n_samples is the number of samples.


method get_n_splits
val get_n_splits :
  ?x:Py.Object.t ->
  ?y:Py.Object.t ->
  ?groups:Py.Object.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->

Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator


  • X : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • y : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : object Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • n_splits : int Returns the number of splitting iterations in the cross-validator.


method split
val split :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [> tag] Obj.t ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t) Seq.t

Generate indices to split data into training and test set.


  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training data, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Always ignored, exists for compatibility.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,) Always ignored, exists for compatibility.


  • train : ndarray The training set indices for that split.

  • test : ndarray The testing set indices for that split.


method to_string
val to_string: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method show
val show: t -> string

Print the object to a human-readable representation.


method pp
val pp: Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Pretty-print the object to a formatter.


function check_cv
val check_cv :
  ?cv:[`BaseCrossValidator of [>`BaseCrossValidator] Np.Obj.t | `I of int | `Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t] ->
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?classifier:bool ->
  unit ->
  [`BaseCrossValidator|`Object] Np.Obj.t

Input checker utility for building a cross-validator


  • cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:

    • None, to use the default 5-fold cross validation,
    • integer, to specify the number of folds.
    • :term:CV splitter,
    • An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

    For integer/None inputs, if classifier is True and y is either binary or multiclass, :class:StratifiedKFold is used. In all other

  • cases, :class:KFold is used.

  • Refer :ref:User Guide <cross_validation> for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 cv default value changed from 3-fold to 5-fold.

  • y : array-like, default=None The target variable for supervised learning problems.

  • classifier : bool, default=False Whether the task is a classification task, in which case stratified KFold will be used.


  • checked_cv : a cross-validator instance. The return value is a cross-validator which generates the train/test splits via the split method.


function cross_val_predict
val cross_val_predict :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?cv:[`BaseCrossValidator of [>`BaseCrossValidator] Np.Obj.t | `I of int | `Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t] ->
  ?n_jobs:int ->
  ?verbose:int ->
  ?fit_params:[`Dict of Dict.t | `Defualt_None of Py.Object.t] ->
  ?pre_dispatch:[`S of string | `I of int] ->
  ?method_:string ->
  estimator:[>`BaseEstimator] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  unit ->
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t

Generate cross-validated estimates for each input data point

The data is split according to the cv parameter. Each sample belongs to exactly one test set, and its prediction is computed with an estimator fitted on the corresponding training set.

Passing these predictions into an evaluation metric may not be a valid way to measure generalization performance. Results can differ from :func:cross_validate and :func:cross_val_score unless all tests sets have equal size and the metric decomposes over samples.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit' and 'predict' The object to use to fit the data.

  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) The data to fit. Can be, for example a list, or an array at least 2d.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs), default=None The target variable to try to predict in the case of supervised learning.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set. Only used in conjunction with a 'Group' :term:cv instance (e.g., :class:GroupKFold).

  • cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:

    • None, to use the default 5-fold cross validation,
    • int, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
    • :term:CV splitter,
    • An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

    For int/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass, :class:StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, :class:KFold is used.

  • Refer :ref:User Guide <cross_validation> for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 cv default value if None changed from 3-fold to 5-fold.

  • n_jobs : int, default=None The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. None means 1 unless in a :obj:joblib.parallel_backend context. -1 means using all processors. See :term:Glossary <n_jobs> for more details.

  • verbose : int, default=0 The verbosity level.

  • fit_params : dict, defualt=None Parameters to pass to the fit method of the estimator.

  • pre_dispatch : int or str, default='2*n_jobs' Controls the number of jobs that get dispatched during parallel execution. Reducing this number can be useful to avoid an explosion of memory consumption when more jobs get dispatched than CPUs can process. This parameter can be:

    - None, in which case all the jobs are immediately
      created and spawned. Use this for lightweight and
      fast-running jobs, to avoid delays due to on-demand
      spawning of the jobs
    - An int, giving the exact number of total jobs that are
    - A str, giving an expression as a function of n_jobs,
      as in '2*n_jobs'
  • method : str, default='predict' Invokes the passed method name of the passed estimator. For method='predict_proba', the columns correspond to the classes in sorted order.


  • predictions : ndarray This is the result of calling method

See also

  • cross_val_score : calculate score for each CV split

  • cross_validate : calculate one or more scores and timings for each CV split


In the case that one or more classes are absent in a training portion, a default score needs to be assigned to all instances for that class if method produces columns per class, as in {'decision_function', 'predict_proba', 'predict_log_proba'}. For predict_proba this value is 0. In order to ensure finite output, we approximate negative infinity by the minimum finite float value for the dtype in other cases.


>>> from sklearn import datasets, linear_model
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict
>>> diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes()
>>> X =[:150]
>>> y =[:150]
>>> lasso = linear_model.Lasso()
>>> y_pred = cross_val_predict(lasso, X, y, cv=3)


function cross_val_score
val cross_val_score :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?scoring:[`Roc_auc_ovo_weighted | `Callable of Py.Object.t | `Precision | `Roc_auc_ovr | `Recall_micro | `F1_micro | `Precision_micro | `Fowlkes_mallows_score | `F1 | `Jaccard | `Max_error | `Precision_weighted | `Precision_macro | `Neg_brier_score | `Roc_auc_ovo | `F1_weighted | `Average_precision | `Adjusted_mutual_info_score | `Neg_mean_poisson_deviance | `Neg_median_absolute_error | `Jaccard_macro | `Jaccard_micro | `Neg_log_loss | `Recall_samples | `Explained_variance | `Balanced_accuracy | `Normalized_mutual_info_score | `F1_samples | `Completeness_score | `Mutual_info_score | `Accuracy | `Neg_mean_squared_log_error | `Roc_auc | `Precision_samples | `V_measure_score | `Neg_mean_gamma_deviance | `Jaccard_weighted | `R2 | `Recall_weighted | `Recall_macro | `Roc_auc_ovr_weighted | `Homogeneity_score | `Neg_mean_squared_error | `Neg_root_mean_squared_error | `Recall | `Neg_mean_absolute_error | `Adjusted_rand_score | `Jaccard_samples | `F1_macro] ->
  ?cv:[`BaseCrossValidator of [>`BaseCrossValidator] Np.Obj.t | `I of int | `Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t] ->
  ?n_jobs:int ->
  ?verbose:int ->
  ?fit_params:Dict.t ->
  ?pre_dispatch:[`S of string | `I of int] ->
  ?error_score:[`F of float | `Raise | `I of int] ->
  estimator:[>`BaseEstimator] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  unit ->
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t

Evaluate a score by cross-validation

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit' The object to use to fit the data.

  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) The data to fit. Can be for example a list, or an array.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs), default=None The target variable to try to predict in the case of supervised learning.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set. Only used in conjunction with a 'Group' :term:cv instance (e.g., :class:GroupKFold).

  • scoring : str or callable, default=None A str (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature scorer(estimator, X, y) which should return only a single value.

    Similar to :func:cross_validate but only a single metric is permitted.

    If None, the estimator's default scorer (if available) is used.

  • cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:

    • None, to use the default 5-fold cross validation,
    • int, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
    • :term:CV splitter,
    • An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

    For int/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass, :class:StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, :class:KFold is used.

  • Refer :ref:User Guide <cross_validation> for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 cv default value if None changed from 3-fold to 5-fold.

  • n_jobs : int, default=None The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. None means 1 unless in a :obj:joblib.parallel_backend context. -1 means using all processors. See :term:Glossary <n_jobs> for more details.

  • verbose : int, default=0 The verbosity level.

  • fit_params : dict, default=None Parameters to pass to the fit method of the estimator.

  • pre_dispatch : int or str, default='2*n_jobs' Controls the number of jobs that get dispatched during parallel execution. Reducing this number can be useful to avoid an explosion of memory consumption when more jobs get dispatched than CPUs can process. This parameter can be:

    - None, in which case all the jobs are immediately
      created and spawned. Use this for lightweight and
      fast-running jobs, to avoid delays due to on-demand
      spawning of the jobs
    - An int, giving the exact number of total jobs that are
    - A str, giving an expression as a function of n_jobs,
      as in '2*n_jobs'
  • error_score : 'raise' or numeric, default=np.nan Value to assign to the score if an error occurs in estimator fitting. If set to 'raise', the error is raised. If a numeric value is given, FitFailedWarning is raised. This parameter does not affect the refit step, which will always raise the error.

    .. versionadded:: 0.20


  • scores : array of float, shape=(len(list(cv)),) Array of scores of the estimator for each run of the cross validation.


>>> from sklearn import datasets, linear_model
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
>>> diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes()
>>> X =[:150]
>>> y =[:150]
>>> lasso = linear_model.Lasso()
>>> print(cross_val_score(lasso, X, y, cv=3))
[0.33150734 0.08022311 0.03531764]

See Also

:func:sklearn.model_selection.cross_validate: To run cross-validation on multiple metrics and also to return train scores, fit times and score times.

:func:sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_predict: Get predictions from each split of cross-validation for diagnostic

  • **purposes.

:func:sklearn.metrics.make_scorer:** Make a scorer from a performance metric or loss function.


function cross_validate
val cross_validate :
  ?y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?scoring:[`Roc_auc_ovo_weighted | `Callable of Py.Object.t | `Precision | `Roc_auc_ovr | `Recall_micro | `F1_micro | `Precision_micro | `Fowlkes_mallows_score | `Dict of Dict.t | `F1 | `Jaccard | `Max_error | `Precision_weighted | `Precision_macro | `Neg_brier_score | `Roc_auc_ovo | `F1_weighted | `Average_precision | `Adjusted_mutual_info_score | `Neg_mean_poisson_deviance | `Neg_median_absolute_error | `Jaccard_macro | `Jaccard_micro | `Neg_log_loss | `Recall_samples | `Scores of [`Explained_variance | `R2 | `Max_error | `Neg_median_absolute_error | `Neg_mean_absolute_error | `Neg_mean_squared_error | `Neg_mean_squared_log_error | `Neg_root_mean_squared_error | `Neg_mean_poisson_deviance | `Neg_mean_gamma_deviance | `Accuracy | `Roc_auc | `Roc_auc_ovr | `Roc_auc_ovo | `Roc_auc_ovr_weighted | `Roc_auc_ovo_weighted | `Balanced_accuracy | `Average_precision | `Neg_log_loss | `Neg_brier_score | `Adjusted_rand_score | `Homogeneity_score | `Completeness_score | `V_measure_score | `Mutual_info_score | `Adjusted_mutual_info_score | `Normalized_mutual_info_score | `Fowlkes_mallows_score | `Precision | `Precision_macro | `Precision_micro | `Precision_samples | `Precision_weighted | `Recall | `Recall_macro | `Recall_micro | `Recall_samples | `Recall_weighted | `F1 | `F1_macro | `F1_micro | `F1_samples | `F1_weighted | `Jaccard | `Jaccard_macro | `Jaccard_micro | `Jaccard_samples | `Jaccard_weighted] list | `Explained_variance | `Balanced_accuracy | `Normalized_mutual_info_score | `F1_samples | `Completeness_score | `Mutual_info_score | `Accuracy | `Neg_mean_squared_log_error | `Roc_auc | `Precision_samples | `V_measure_score | `Neg_mean_gamma_deviance | `Jaccard_weighted | `R2 | `Recall_weighted | `Recall_macro | `Roc_auc_ovr_weighted | `Homogeneity_score | `Neg_mean_squared_error | `Neg_root_mean_squared_error | `Recall | `Neg_mean_absolute_error | `Adjusted_rand_score | `Jaccard_samples | `F1_macro] ->
  ?cv:[`BaseCrossValidator of [>`BaseCrossValidator] Np.Obj.t | `I of int | `Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t] ->
  ?n_jobs:int ->
  ?verbose:int ->
  ?fit_params:Dict.t ->
  ?pre_dispatch:[`S of string | `I of int] ->
  ?return_train_score:bool ->
  ?return_estimator:bool ->
  ?error_score:[`F of float | `Raise | `I of int] ->
  estimator:[>`BaseEstimator] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  unit ->

Evaluate metric(s) by cross-validation and also record fit/score times.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <multimetric_cross_validation>.


  • estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit' The object to use to fit the data.

  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) The data to fit. Can be for example a list, or an array.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs), default=None The target variable to try to predict in the case of supervised learning.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set. Only used in conjunction with a 'Group' :term:cv instance (e.g., :class:GroupKFold).

  • scoring : str, callable, list/tuple, or dict, default=None A single str (see :ref:scoring_parameter) or a callable (see :ref:scoring) to evaluate the predictions on the test set.

    For evaluating multiple metrics, either give a list of (unique) strings or a dict with names as keys and callables as values.

    NOTE that when using custom scorers, each scorer should return a single value. Metric functions returning a list/array of values can be wrapped into multiple scorers that return one value each.

  • See :ref:multimetric_grid_search for an example.

    If None, the estimator's score method is used.

  • cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:

    • None, to use the default 5-fold cross validation,
    • int, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
    • :term:CV splitter,
    • An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

    For int/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass, :class:StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, :class:KFold is used.

  • Refer :ref:User Guide <cross_validation> for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 cv default value if None changed from 3-fold to 5-fold.

  • n_jobs : int, default=None The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. None means 1 unless in a :obj:joblib.parallel_backend context. -1 means using all processors. See :term:Glossary <n_jobs> for more details.

  • verbose : int, default=0 The verbosity level.

  • fit_params : dict, default=None Parameters to pass to the fit method of the estimator.

  • pre_dispatch : int or str, default='2*n_jobs' Controls the number of jobs that get dispatched during parallel execution. Reducing this number can be useful to avoid an explosion of memory consumption when more jobs get dispatched than CPUs can process. This parameter can be:

    - None, in which case all the jobs are immediately
      created and spawned. Use this for lightweight and
      fast-running jobs, to avoid delays due to on-demand
      spawning of the jobs
    - An int, giving the exact number of total jobs that are
    - A str, giving an expression as a function of n_jobs,
      as in '2*n_jobs'
  • return_train_score : bool, default=False Whether to include train scores. Computing training scores is used to get insights on how different parameter settings impact the overfitting/underfitting trade-off. However computing the scores on the training set can be computationally expensive and is not strictly required to select the parameters that yield the best generalization performance.

    .. versionadded:: 0.19

    .. versionchanged:: 0.21 Default value was changed from True to False

  • return_estimator : bool, default=False Whether to return the estimators fitted on each split.

    .. versionadded:: 0.20

  • error_score : 'raise' or numeric Value to assign to the score if an error occurs in estimator fitting. If set to 'raise', the error is raised. If a numeric value is given, FitFailedWarning is raised. This parameter does not affect the refit step, which will always raise the error.

    .. versionadded:: 0.20


  • scores : dict of float arrays of shape (n_splits,) Array of scores of the estimator for each run of the cross validation.

    A dict of arrays containing the score/time arrays for each scorer is returned. The possible keys for this dict are:

        The score array for test scores on each cv split.
        Suffix ``_score`` in ``test_score`` changes to a specific
        metric like ``test_r2`` or ``test_auc`` if there are
        multiple scoring metrics in the scoring parameter.
        The score array for train scores on each cv split.
        Suffix ``_score`` in ``train_score`` changes to a specific
        metric like ``train_r2`` or ``train_auc`` if there are
        multiple scoring metrics in the scoring parameter.
        This is available only if ``return_train_score`` parameter
        is ``True``.
        The time for fitting the estimator on the train
        set for each cv split.
        The time for scoring the estimator on the test set for each
        cv split. (Note time for scoring on the train set is not
        included even if ``return_train_score`` is set to ``True``
        The estimator objects for each cv split.
        This is available only if ``return_estimator`` parameter
        is set to ``True``.


>>> from sklearn import datasets, linear_model
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import cross_validate
>>> from sklearn.metrics import make_scorer
>>> from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
>>> from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
>>> diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes()
>>> X =[:150]
>>> y =[:150]
>>> lasso = linear_model.Lasso()

Single metric evaluation using cross_validate

>>> cv_results = cross_validate(lasso, X, y, cv=3)
>>> sorted(cv_results.keys())
['fit_time', 'score_time', 'test_score']
>>> cv_results['test_score']
array([0.33150734, 0.08022311, 0.03531764])

Multiple metric evaluation using cross_validate (please refer the scoring parameter doc for more information)

>>> scores = cross_validate(lasso, X, y, cv=3,
...                         scoring=('r2', 'neg_mean_squared_error'),
...                         return_train_score=True)
>>> print(scores['test_neg_mean_squared_error'])
[-3635.5... -3573.3... -6114.7...]
>>> print(scores['train_r2'])
[0.28010158 0.39088426 0.22784852]

See Also

:func:sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_score: Run cross-validation for single metric evaluation.

:func:sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_predict: Get predictions from each split of cross-validation for diagnostic

  • **purposes.

:func:sklearn.metrics.make_scorer:** Make a scorer from a performance metric or loss function.


function fit_grid_point
val fit_grid_point :
  ?error_score:[`F of float | `Raise | `I of int] ->
  ?fit_params:(string * Py.Object.t) list ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  y:[`Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t | `None] ->
  estimator:[>`BaseEstimator] Np.Obj.t ->
  parameters:Dict.t ->
  train:[`Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t | `Dtype_int of Py.Object.t | `Bool of bool] ->
  test:[`Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t | `Dtype_int of Py.Object.t | `Bool of bool] ->
  scorer:[`Callable of Py.Object.t | `None] ->
  verbose:int ->
  unit ->
  (float * Dict.t * int)
  • DEPRECATED: fit_grid_point is deprecated in version 0.23 and will be removed in version 0.25

Run fit on one set of parameters.


  • X : array-like, sparse matrix or list Input data.

  • y : array-like or None Targets for input data.

  • estimator : estimator object A object of that type is instantiated for each grid point. This is assumed to implement the scikit-learn estimator interface. Either estimator needs to provide a score function, or scoring must be passed.

  • parameters : dict Parameters to be set on estimator for this grid point.

  • train : ndarray, dtype int or bool Boolean mask or indices for training set.

  • test : ndarray, dtype int or bool Boolean mask or indices for test set.

  • scorer : callable or None The scorer callable object / function must have its signature as scorer(estimator, X, y).

    If None the estimator's score method is used.

  • verbose : int Verbosity level.

  • **fit_params : kwargs Additional parameter passed to the fit function of the estimator.

  • error_score : 'raise' or numeric, default=np.nan Value to assign to the score if an error occurs in estimator fitting. If set to 'raise', the error is raised. If a numeric value is given, FitFailedWarning is raised. This parameter does not affect the refit step, which will always raise the error.


  • score : float Score of this parameter setting on given test split.

  • parameters : dict The parameters that have been evaluated.

  • n_samples_test : int Number of test samples in this split.


function learning_curve
val learning_curve :
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?train_sizes:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?cv:[`BaseCrossValidator of [>`BaseCrossValidator] Np.Obj.t | `I of int | `Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t] ->
  ?scoring:[`Roc_auc_ovo_weighted | `Callable of Py.Object.t | `Precision | `Roc_auc_ovr | `Recall_micro | `F1_micro | `Precision_micro | `Fowlkes_mallows_score | `F1 | `Jaccard | `Max_error | `Precision_weighted | `Precision_macro | `Neg_brier_score | `Roc_auc_ovo | `F1_weighted | `Average_precision | `Adjusted_mutual_info_score | `Neg_mean_poisson_deviance | `Neg_median_absolute_error | `Jaccard_macro | `Jaccard_micro | `Neg_log_loss | `Recall_samples | `Explained_variance | `Balanced_accuracy | `Normalized_mutual_info_score | `F1_samples | `Completeness_score | `Mutual_info_score | `Accuracy | `Neg_mean_squared_log_error | `Roc_auc | `Precision_samples | `V_measure_score | `Neg_mean_gamma_deviance | `Jaccard_weighted | `R2 | `Recall_weighted | `Recall_macro | `Roc_auc_ovr_weighted | `Homogeneity_score | `Neg_mean_squared_error | `Neg_root_mean_squared_error | `Recall | `Neg_mean_absolute_error | `Adjusted_rand_score | `Jaccard_samples | `F1_macro] ->
  ?exploit_incremental_learning:bool ->
  ?n_jobs:int ->
  ?pre_dispatch:[`S of string | `I of int] ->
  ?verbose:int ->
  ?shuffle:bool ->
  ?random_state:int ->
  ?error_score:[`F of float | `Raise | `I of int] ->
  ?return_times:bool ->
  estimator:[>`BaseEstimator] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  y:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  unit ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t)

Learning curve.

Determines cross-validated training and test scores for different training set sizes.

A cross-validation generator splits the whole dataset k times in training and test data. Subsets of the training set with varying sizes will be used to train the estimator and a score for each training subset size and the test set will be computed. Afterwards, the scores will be averaged over all k runs for each training subset size.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <learning_curve>.


  • estimator : object type that implements the 'fit' and 'predict' methods An object of that type which is cloned for each validation.

  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) Target relative to X for classification or regression; None for unsupervised learning.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set. Only used in conjunction with a 'Group' :term:cv instance (e.g., :class:GroupKFold).

  • train_sizes : array-like of shape (n_ticks,), default=np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 5) Relative or absolute numbers of training examples that will be used to generate the learning curve. If the dtype is float, it is regarded as a fraction of the maximum size of the training set (that is determined by the selected validation method), i.e. it has to be within (0, 1]. Otherwise it is interpreted as absolute sizes of the training sets. Note that for classification the number of samples usually have to be big enough to contain at least one sample from each class.

  • cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:

    • None, to use the default 5-fold cross validation,
    • int, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
    • :term:CV splitter,
    • An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

    For int/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass, :class:StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, :class:KFold is used.

  • Refer :ref:User Guide <cross_validation> for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 cv default value if None changed from 3-fold to 5-fold.

  • scoring : str or callable, default=None A str (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature scorer(estimator, X, y).

  • exploit_incremental_learning : bool, default=False If the estimator supports incremental learning, this will be used to speed up fitting for different training set sizes.

  • n_jobs : int, default=None Number of jobs to run in parallel. None means 1 unless in a :obj:joblib.parallel_backend context. -1 means using all processors. See :term:Glossary <n_jobs> for more details.

  • pre_dispatch : int or str, default='all' Number of predispatched jobs for parallel execution (default is all). The option can reduce the allocated memory. The str can be an expression like '2*n_jobs'.

  • verbose : int, default=0 Controls the verbosity: the higher, the more messages.

  • shuffle : bool, default=False Whether to shuffle training data before taking prefixes of it based ontrain_sizes.

  • random_state : int or RandomState instance, default=None Used when shuffle is True. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

  • See :term:Glossary <random_state>.

  • error_score : 'raise' or numeric, default=np.nan Value to assign to the score if an error occurs in estimator fitting. If set to 'raise', the error is raised. If a numeric value is given, FitFailedWarning is raised. This parameter does not affect the refit step, which will always raise the error.

    .. versionadded:: 0.20

  • return_times : bool, default=False Whether to return the fit and score times.


  • train_sizes_abs : array of shape (n_unique_ticks,) Numbers of training examples that has been used to generate the learning curve. Note that the number of ticks might be less than n_ticks because duplicate entries will be removed.

  • train_scores : array of shape (n_ticks, n_cv_folds) Scores on training sets.

  • test_scores : array of shape (n_ticks, n_cv_folds) Scores on test set.

  • fit_times : array of shape (n_ticks, n_cv_folds) Times spent for fitting in seconds. Only present if return_times is True.

  • score_times : array of shape (n_ticks, n_cv_folds) Times spent for scoring in seconds. Only present if return_times is True.


  • **See :ref:examples/model_selection/** <>


function permutation_test_score
val permutation_test_score :
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?cv:[`BaseCrossValidator of [>`BaseCrossValidator] Np.Obj.t | `I of int | `Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t] ->
  ?n_permutations:int ->
  ?n_jobs:int ->
  ?random_state:int ->
  ?verbose:int ->
  ?scoring:[`Roc_auc_ovo_weighted | `Callable of Py.Object.t | `Precision | `Roc_auc_ovr | `Recall_micro | `F1_micro | `Precision_micro | `Fowlkes_mallows_score | `F1 | `Jaccard | `Max_error | `Precision_weighted | `Precision_macro | `Neg_brier_score | `Roc_auc_ovo | `F1_weighted | `Average_precision | `Adjusted_mutual_info_score | `Neg_mean_poisson_deviance | `Neg_median_absolute_error | `Jaccard_macro | `Jaccard_micro | `Neg_log_loss | `Recall_samples | `Explained_variance | `Balanced_accuracy | `Normalized_mutual_info_score | `F1_samples | `Completeness_score | `Mutual_info_score | `Accuracy | `Neg_mean_squared_log_error | `Roc_auc | `Precision_samples | `V_measure_score | `Neg_mean_gamma_deviance | `Jaccard_weighted | `R2 | `Recall_weighted | `Recall_macro | `Roc_auc_ovr_weighted | `Homogeneity_score | `Neg_mean_squared_error | `Neg_root_mean_squared_error | `Recall | `Neg_mean_absolute_error | `Adjusted_rand_score | `Jaccard_samples | `F1_macro] ->
  estimator:[>`BaseEstimator] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  y:[`Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t | `None] ->
  unit ->
  (float * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * float)

Evaluate the significance of a cross-validated score with permutations

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • estimator : estimator object implementing 'fit' The object to use to fit the data.

  • X : array-like of shape at least 2D The data to fit.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) or None The target variable to try to predict in the case of supervised learning.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Labels to constrain permutation within groups, i.e. y values are permuted among samples with the same group identifier. When not specified, y values are permuted among all samples.

    When a grouped cross-validator is used, the group labels are also passed on to the split method of the cross-validator. The cross-validator uses them for grouping the samples while splitting the dataset into train/test set.

  • scoring : str or callable, default=None A single str (see :ref:scoring_parameter) or a callable (see :ref:scoring) to evaluate the predictions on the test set.

    If None the estimator's score method is used.

  • cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:

    • None, to use the default 5-fold cross validation,
    • int, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
    • :term:CV splitter,
    • An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

    For int/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass, :class:StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, :class:KFold is used.

  • Refer :ref:User Guide <cross_validation> for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 cv default value if None changed from 3-fold to 5-fold.

  • n_permutations : int, default=100 Number of times to permute y.

  • n_jobs : int, default=None The number of CPUs to use to do the computation. None means 1 unless in a :obj:joblib.parallel_backend context. -1 means using all processors. See :term:Glossary <n_jobs> for more details.

  • random_state : int, RandomState instance or None, default=0 Pass an int for reproducible output for permutation of y values among samples. See :term:Glossary <random_state>.

  • verbose : int, default=0 The verbosity level.


  • score : float The true score without permuting targets.

  • permutation_scores : array of shape (n_permutations,) The scores obtained for each permutations.

  • pvalue : float The p-value, which approximates the probability that the score would be obtained by chance. This is calculated as:

    (C + 1) / (n_permutations + 1)

    Where C is the number of permutations whose score >= the true score.

    The best possible p-value is 1/(n_permutations + 1), the worst is 1.0.


This function implements Test 1 in:

Ojala and Garriga. Permutation Tests for Studying Classifier
Performance.  The Journal of Machine Learning Research (2010)
vol. 11
`[pdf] <>`_.


function train_test_split
val train_test_split :
  ?test_size:[`F of float | `I of int] ->
  ?train_size:[`F of float | `I of int] ->
  ?random_state:int ->
  ?shuffle:bool ->
  ?stratify:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t list ->
  [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t list

Split arrays or matrices into random train and test subsets

Quick utility that wraps input validation and next(ShuffleSplit().split(X, y)) and application to input data into a single call for splitting (and optionally subsampling) data in a oneliner.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <cross_validation>.


  • *arrays : sequence of indexables with same length / shape[0] Allowed inputs are lists, numpy arrays, scipy-sparse matrices or pandas dataframes.

  • test_size : float or int, default=None If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the test split. If int, represents the absolute number of test samples. If None, the value is set to the complement of the train size. If train_size is also None, it will be set to 0.25.

  • train_size : float or int, default=None If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent the proportion of the dataset to include in the train split. If int, represents the absolute number of train samples. If None, the value is automatically set to the complement of the test size.

  • random_state : int or RandomState instance, default=None Controls the shuffling applied to the data before applying the split. Pass an int for reproducible output across multiple function calls.

  • See :term:Glossary <random_state>.

  • shuffle : bool, default=True Whether or not to shuffle the data before splitting. If shuffle=False then stratify must be None.

  • stratify : array-like, default=None If not None, data is split in a stratified fashion, using this as the class labels.


  • splitting : list, length=2 * len(arrays) List containing train-test split of inputs.

    .. versionadded:: 0.16 If the input is sparse, the output will be a scipy.sparse.csr_matrix. Else, output type is the same as the input type.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
>>> X, y = np.arange(10).reshape((5, 2)), range(5)
>>> X
array([[0, 1],
       [2, 3],
       [4, 5],
       [6, 7],
       [8, 9]])
>>> list(y)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
...     X, y, test_size=0.33, random_state=42)
>>> X_train
array([[4, 5],
       [0, 1],
       [6, 7]])
>>> y_train
[2, 0, 3]
>>> X_test
array([[2, 3],
       [8, 9]])
>>> y_test
[1, 4]
>>> train_test_split(y, shuffle=False)
[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4]]


function validation_curve
val validation_curve :
  ?groups:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  ?cv:[`BaseCrossValidator of [>`BaseCrossValidator] Np.Obj.t | `I of int | `Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t] ->
  ?scoring:[`Roc_auc_ovo_weighted | `Callable of Py.Object.t | `Precision | `Roc_auc_ovr | `Recall_micro | `F1_micro | `Precision_micro | `Fowlkes_mallows_score | `F1 | `Jaccard | `Max_error | `Precision_weighted | `Precision_macro | `Neg_brier_score | `Roc_auc_ovo | `F1_weighted | `Average_precision | `Adjusted_mutual_info_score | `Neg_mean_poisson_deviance | `Neg_median_absolute_error | `Jaccard_macro | `Jaccard_micro | `Neg_log_loss | `Recall_samples | `Explained_variance | `Balanced_accuracy | `Normalized_mutual_info_score | `F1_samples | `Completeness_score | `Mutual_info_score | `Accuracy | `Neg_mean_squared_log_error | `Roc_auc | `Precision_samples | `V_measure_score | `Neg_mean_gamma_deviance | `Jaccard_weighted | `R2 | `Recall_weighted | `Recall_macro | `Roc_auc_ovr_weighted | `Homogeneity_score | `Neg_mean_squared_error | `Neg_root_mean_squared_error | `Recall | `Neg_mean_absolute_error | `Adjusted_rand_score | `Jaccard_samples | `F1_macro] ->
  ?n_jobs:int ->
  ?pre_dispatch:[`S of string | `I of int] ->
  ?verbose:int ->
  ?error_score:[`F of float | `Raise | `I of int] ->
  estimator:[>`BaseEstimator] Np.Obj.t ->
  x:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  y:[`Arr of [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t | `None] ->
  param_name:string ->
  param_range:[>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t ->
  unit ->
  ([>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t * [>`ArrayLike] Np.Obj.t)

Validation curve.

Determine training and test scores for varying parameter values.

Compute scores for an estimator with different values of a specified parameter. This is similar to grid search with one parameter. However, this will also compute training scores and is merely a utility for plotting the results.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <validation_curve>.


  • estimator : object type that implements the 'fit' and 'predict' methods An object of that type which is cloned for each validation.

  • X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features) Training vector, where n_samples is the number of samples and n_features is the number of features.

  • y : array-like of shape (n_samples,) or (n_samples, n_outputs) or None Target relative to X for classification or regression; None for unsupervised learning.

  • param_name : str Name of the parameter that will be varied.

  • param_range : array-like of shape (n_values,) The values of the parameter that will be evaluated.

  • groups : array-like of shape (n_samples,), default=None Group labels for the samples used while splitting the dataset into train/test set. Only used in conjunction with a 'Group' :term:cv instance (e.g., :class:GroupKFold).

  • cv : int, cross-validation generator or an iterable, default=None Determines the cross-validation splitting strategy. Possible inputs for cv are:

    • None, to use the default 5-fold cross validation,
    • int, to specify the number of folds in a (Stratified)KFold,
    • :term:CV splitter,
    • An iterable yielding (train, test) splits as arrays of indices.

    For int/None inputs, if the estimator is a classifier and y is either binary or multiclass, :class:StratifiedKFold is used. In all other cases, :class:KFold is used.

  • Refer :ref:User Guide <cross_validation> for the various cross-validation strategies that can be used here.

    .. versionchanged:: 0.22 cv default value if None changed from 3-fold to 5-fold.

  • scoring : str or callable, default=None A str (see model evaluation documentation) or a scorer callable object / function with signature scorer(estimator, X, y).

  • n_jobs : int, default=None Number of jobs to run in parallel. None means 1 unless in a :obj:joblib.parallel_backend context. -1 means using all processors. See :term:Glossary <n_jobs> for more details.

  • pre_dispatch : int or str, default='all' Number of predispatched jobs for parallel execution (default is all). The option can reduce the allocated memory. The str can be an expression like '2*n_jobs'.

  • verbose : int, default=0 Controls the verbosity: the higher, the more messages.

  • error_score : 'raise' or numeric, default=np.nan Value to assign to the score if an error occurs in estimator fitting. If set to 'raise', the error is raised. If a numeric value is given, FitFailedWarning is raised. This parameter does not affect the refit step, which will always raise the error.

    .. versionadded:: 0.20


  • train_scores : array of shape (n_ticks, n_cv_folds) Scores on training sets.

  • test_scores : array of shape (n_ticks, n_cv_folds) Scores on test set.


  • See