
(* (\**
*    This represents a Numpy array. In most cases it is a dense
*    ndarray. But it max also be a sparse matrix (as built using
*    Csr_matrix, or as returned by scikit-learn).  *\)
* type t
* (\** ### show
*     Pretty-print an Array into a string. *\)
* val show : t -> string
* (\** ### pp
*     Pretty-print the Array.  *\)
* val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit [@@ocaml.toplevel_printer]
* (\** ### of_csr_matrix
*     Build an Array.t from a Csr_matrix.t. Data is shared. *\)
* val of_csr_matrix : Csr_matrix.t -> t
* (\** ### of_bigarray
*     Build an Array from a bigarray. *\)
* val of_bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'c) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> t
* val to_int_array : t -> int array
* val to_float_array : t -> float array
* val to_string_array : t -> string array
* val to_string_list : t -> string list
* (\** ## module Array.List
*     This is a Python list of Arrays. This is `Sklearn.PyList.Make(Sklearn.Array)`. *\)
* module List : PyList.S with type elt := t
* module Dtype : sig
*   type t = [`Object | `S of string]
*   val to_pyobject : t -> Py.Object.t
*   val of_pyobject : Py.Object.t -> t
* end
* (\** ### shape
*     Shape (dimensions) of an Arr. *\)
* val shape : t -> int array
* val reshape : shape:int array -> t -> t
* (\** ### arange
*     ~~~python
*     arange([start,] stop[, step,], dtype=None)
*     ~~~
*     Return evenly spaced values within a given interval.
*     Values are generated within the half-open interval ``[start, stop)``
*     (in other words, the interval including `start` but excluding `stop`).
*     For integer arguments the function is equivalent to the Python built-in
*     `range` function, but returns an ndarray rather than a list.
*     When using a non-integer step, such as 0.1, the results will often not
*     be consistent.  It is better to use `numpy.linspace` for these cases.
*     #### Parameters
*     ???+ info "start : number, optional"
*         Start of interval.  The interval includes this value.  The default
*         start value is 0.
*     ???+ "stop : number"
*         End of interval.  The interval does not include this value, except
*         in some cases where `step` is not an integer and floating point
*         round-off affects the length of `out`.
*     ???+ info "step : number, optional"
*         Spacing between values.  For any output `out`, this is the distance
*         between two adjacent values, ``out[i+1] - out[i]``.  The default
*         step size is 1.  If `step` is specified as a position argument,
*         `start` must also be given.
*     ???+ info "dtype : dtype"
*         The type of the output array.  If `dtype` is not given, infer the data
*         type from the other input arguments.
*     #### Returns
*     ???+ info "arange : ndarray"
*         Array of evenly spaced values.
*     For floating point arguments, the length of the result is
*     ``ceil((stop - start)/step)``.  Because of floating point overflow,
*     this rule may result in the last element of `out` being greater
*     than `stop`.
*     #### See Also
*     numpy.linspace : Evenly spaced numbers with careful handling of endpoints.
*     numpy.ogrid: Arrays of evenly spaced numbers in N-dimensions.
*     numpy.mgrid: Grid-shaped arrays of evenly spaced numbers in N-dimensions.
*     #### Examples
*     ~~~python
*     >>> np.arange(3)
*     array([0, 1, 2])
*     >>> np.arange(3.0)
*     array([ 0.,  1.,  2.])
*     >>> np.arange(3,7)
*     array([3, 4, 5, 6])
*     >>> np.arange(3,7,2)
*     array([3, 5])
*     ~~~
* *\)
* val arange : ?start : int -> ?step : int -> int -> t
* val min : t -> float
* val max : t -> float
* val argsort : t -> t
* val sort : t -> t
* val ones : ?dtype : Dtype.t -> int list -> t
* val zeros : ?dtype : Dtype.t -> int list -> t
* val get_int : i:int list -> t -> int
* val get_float : i:int list -> t -> float
* val get_string : i:int list -> t -> string
* val slice : ?i : int -> ?j : int -> ?step : int -> unit -> [> `Slice of Wrap_utils.Slice.t]
* val get : i:[`I of int | `Slice of Wrap_utils.Slice.t | `Arr of t | `Newaxis | `Ellipsis] list -> t -> t
* val set : i:[`I of int | `Slice of Wrap_utils.Slice.t | `Arr of t | `Newaxis | `Ellipsis] list -> v:t -> t -> unit
* val int : int -> t
* val float : float -> t
* val bool : bool -> t
* val string : string -> t
* val ( - ) : t -> t -> t
* val ( + ) : t -> t -> t
* val ( * ) : t -> t -> t
* val ( / ) : t -> t -> t
* val ( > ) : t -> t -> t
* val ( >= ) : t -> t -> t
* val ( < ) : t -> t -> t
* val ( <= ) : t -> t -> t
* val ( = ) : t -> t -> t
* val ( != ) : t -> t -> t
* (\** ## module Array.Float
*     Build a dense Array containing floats. *\)
* module Float : sig
*   (\** ### vector
*       Build a vector from an OCaml float array. *\)
*   val vector : float array -> t
*   (\** ### matrix
*       Build a dense matrix from an OCaml float array array. *\)
*   val matrix : float array array -> t
*   (\** ### of_bigarray
*       Build a dense tensor from a bigarray. The data is not copied,
*       and is shared between the bigarray and the Pyhon Array. You
*       may find Owl useful for building the bigarray. *\)
*   val of_bigarray : (float, Bigarray.float64_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> t
*   (\** ### to_bigarray
*       Build a bigarray that shares the same data as the
*       Arr. Raises an exception if the Arr has the wrong dtype
*       or layout, or if the Arr is not an ndarray. *\)
*   val to_bigarray : t -> (float, Bigarray.float64_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Genarray.t
*   (\** ### matrices
*       Build a Python list of Arrays, with each Array being a
*       matrix initialized from an OCaml float array array. *\)
*   val matrices : float array array list -> List.t
*   (\** ### vectors
*       Build a Python list of Arrays, with each Array being a
*       vector initialized from an OCaml float array. *\)
*   val vectors : float array list -> List.t
* end
* (\** ## module Array.Int
*     Build a dense Array containing integers. The
*     integers are actually stored as nativeints inside the Array. *\)
* module Int : sig
*   (\** ### vector
*       Build a vector from an OCaml int array. *\)
*   val vector : int array -> t
*   (\** ### matrix
*       Build a dense matrix from an OCaml int array array. *\)
*   val matrix : int array array -> t
*   (\** ### of_bigarray
*       Build a dense tensor from a bigarray. The data is not copied,
*       and is shared between the bigarray and the Pyhon Array. You
*       may find Owl useful for building the bigarray. *\)
*   val of_bigarray : (nativeint, Bigarray.nativeint_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Genarray.t -> t
*   (\** ### to_bigarray
*       Build a bigarray that shares the same data as the
*       Ndarray. Raises an exception if the Ndarray has the wrong dtype
*       or layout, or if the Arr is not an ndarray. *\)
*   val to_bigarray : t -> (nativeint, Bigarray.nativeint_elt, Bigarray.c_layout) Bigarray.Genarray.t
*   (\** ### matrices
*       Build a Python list of Arrays, with each Array being a
*       matrix initialized from an OCaml int array array. *\)
*   val matrices : int array array list -> List.t
*   (\** ### vectors
*       Build a Python list of Arrays, with each Array being a
*       vector initialized from an OCaml int array. *\)
*   val vectors : int array list -> List.t
* end
* (\** ## module Array.String
*     Build an Array containing strings. *\)
* module String : sig
*   val of_list : string list -> t
*   (\** ### vector
*       Build a vector from an OCaml string array.
*       Example :
*       ~~~ocaml
*       let x = Array.String.vector [|"a"; "answer"|]
*       ~~~
*   *\)
*   val vector : string array -> t
*   (\** ### matrix
*       Build a matrix from an OCaml array of arrays.
*       Example :
*       ~~~ocaml
*       let x = Array.String.matrix [| [|"a"; "answer"|]; [|"b"; `"lala"|] |]
*       ~~~
*   *\)
*   val matrix : string array array -> t
*   (\** ### vectors
*       Build a Python list of Arrays, with each Array being a
*       vector initialized from an OCaml string array.
*       Example :
*       ~~~ocaml
*       let x = Array.String.matrix [| [|"a"|]; [|"b"; `"lala"; "d"|] |]
*       ~~~
*   *\)
*   val vectors : string array list -> List.t
* end
* (\** ## module Arr.Object
*     Build an Arr containing mixed ints, floats or strings. *\)
* module Object : sig
*   (\**
*      The type of an element: int (`I), float (`F) or string (`S).
*   *\)
*   type elt = [`I of int | `F of float | `S of string | `Arr of t]
*   (\** ### vector
*       Build a vector from an OCaml array.
*       Example :
*       ~~~ocaml
*       let x = Arr.Object.vector [| `I 42; `S "answer"; `F 12.3 |]
*       ~~~
*   *\)
*   val vector : elt array -> t
*   (\** ### matrix
*       Build a matrix from an OCaml array of arrays.
*       Example :
*       ~~~ocaml
*       let x = Arr.Object.matrix [| [|`I 42; `S "answer"|]; [|`I 43; `S "lala"|] |]
*       ~~~
*   *\)
*   val matrix : elt array array -> t
* end
* (\** ### to_pyobject
*     Convert the Array to a Py.Object.t. *\)
* val to_pyobject : t -> Py.Object.t
* (\** ### of_pyobject
*     Build an Array from a Py.Object.t.  *\)
* val of_pyobject : Py.Object.t -> t
* val argmax : ?axis:[`Zero | `One | `PyObject of Py.Object.t] -> ?out:Py.Object.t -> t -> [`Arr of t | `I of int]
* (\**
*    Return indices of maximum elements along an axis.
*    Implicit zero elements are also taken into account. If there are
*    several maximum values, the index of the first occurrence is returned.
*    Parameters
*    ----------
*    axis : {-2, -1, 0, 1, None}, optional
*     Axis along which the argmax is computed. If None (default), index
*     of the maximum element in the flatten data is returned.
*    out : None, optional
*     This argument is in the signature *solely* for NumPy
*     compatibility reasons. Do not pass in anything except for
*     the default value, as this argument is not used.
*    Returns
*    -------
*    ind : numpy.matrix or int
*     Indices of maximum elements. If matrix, its size along `axis` is 1.
* *\)
* val argmin : ?axis:[`Zero | `One | `PyObject of Py.Object.t] -> ?out:Py.Object.t -> t -> [`Arr of t | `I of int]
* (\**
*    Return indices of minimum elements along an axis.
*    Implicit zero elements are also taken into account. If there are
*    several minimum values, the index of the first occurrence is returned.
*    Parameters
*    ----------
*    axis : {-2, -1, 0, 1, None}, optional
*     Axis along which the argmin is computed. If None (default), index
*     of the minimum element in the flatten data is returned.
*    out : None, optional
*     This argument is in the signature *solely* for NumPy
*     compatibility reasons. Do not pass in anything except for
*     the default value, as this argument is not used.
*    Returns
*    -------
*    ind : numpy.matrix or int
*     Indices of minimum elements. If matrix, its size along `axis` is 1.
* *\)
* val mean : ?axis:int list -> ?dtype:Dtype.t -> ?out:t -> ?keepdims:bool -> t -> t
* val sum : ?axis:int -> ?dtype:Py.Object.t -> ?out:t -> t -> t
* (\**
*    Sum the matrix elements over a given axis.
*    Parameters
*    ----------
*    axis : {-2, -1, 0, 1, None} optional
*     Axis along which the sum is computed. The default is to
*     compute the sum of all the matrix elements, returning a scalar
*     (i.e. `axis` = `None`).
*    dtype : dtype, optional
*     The type of the returned matrix and of the accumulator in which
*     the elements are summed.  The dtype of `a` is used by default
*     unless `a` has an integer dtype of less precision than the default
*     platform integer.  In that case, if `a` is signed then the platform
*     integer is used while if `a` is unsigned then an unsigned integer
*     of the same precision as the platform integer is used.
*     .. versionadded:: 0.18.0
*    out : np.matrix, optional
*     Alternative output matrix in which to place the result. It must
*     have the same shape as the expected output, but the type of the
*     output values will be cast if necessary.
*     .. versionadded:: 0.18.0
*    Returns
*    -------
*    sum_along_axis : np.matrix
*     A matrix with the same shape as `self`, with the specified
*     axis removed.
*    See Also
*    --------
*    numpy.matrix.sum : NumPy's implementation of 'sum' for matrices
* *\)
* val asarray : ?dtype:Dtype.t -> t -> t
* val asanyarray : ?dtype:Dtype.t -> t -> t
* val ascontiguousarray : ?dtype:Dtype.t -> t -> t
* val asfarray : ?dtype:Dtype.t -> t -> t
* val asarray_chkfinite : ?dtype:Dtype.t -> t -> t
* val toarray : t -> t
* val todense : t -> t
* val vstack : t list -> t
* val hstack : t list -> t
* val dstack : t list -> t
* val full : ?dtype:Dtype.t -> shape:int list -> Object.elt -> t
* val flatnonzero : t -> t
* val flatten : t -> t
* val ravel : t -> t
* val iter : t -> t Seq.t
* module Random : sig
*   val seed : int -> unit
*   val random_sample : int list -> t
* end
* val check : Py.Object.t -> bool
* val log : t -> t
* val exp : t -> t